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Neutrino Point Sources (Looking for) (with Underground Detectors) THE HIGTE ST ENERGY COSMIC RAYS AND THEIR SOURCES: Moscow May 21-23, 2004 S.P. Mikheyev.

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Presentation on theme: "Neutrino Point Sources (Looking for) (with Underground Detectors) THE HIGTE ST ENERGY COSMIC RAYS AND THEIR SOURCES: Moscow May 21-23, 2004 S.P. Mikheyev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neutrino Point Sources (Looking for) (with Underground Detectors) THE HIGTE ST ENERGY COSMIC RAYS AND THEIR SOURCES: Moscow May 21-23, 2004 S.P. Mikheyev INR RAS

2 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev2  e Y.Koshio NOON2004 22385 solar  events (14.5 events/day)

3 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev3 M.Koshiba EPS2003

4 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev4  origin and acceleration of cosmic rays  understand cosmic cataclysms  find new kind of objects? Physical motivation

5 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev5 Experiment KGF

6 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev6 Experiment KGF

7 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev7 Outline  Neutrino production  Perspectives  Search for clusters  Point-like sources (known position)  Detector response function  Detection of neutrino-induced muons

8 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev8 Opaque matter Neutrino production Proton Accelerator Target (p,  ) p p p,p, ±± ±±  e±e±  e 00 22  

9 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev9 TeV -  sources M. Mori Raporter talk ICRC 2003

10 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev10 Supernova remnant Microquasar (SS433 etc.) Active Galaxy (Markarian 421 etc) Crab nebula Black hole with 10 8 x mass of sun Black hole with  mass of sun  1 LJ  10 6 LJ extra-galactic galactic Neutrino source candidates

11 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev11 Neutrino energetics       Neutrino spectra: yielding 10 events per 10 years in 10 3 m 2 Neutrino luminosity yielding 10 events per 10 years in 10 3 m 2 : distance distance Lum > example example 4000 Mpc 10 49 erg/s agn 100 Mpc 5  10 45 erg/s Markarians 8 Kpc 4  10 37 erg/s pulsars, micro- quasar… 4000 Mpc 10 57 erg/100s grb

12 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev12 Neutrino Detection    + N   - + X Y(E,E  ) = N A EE th  EE E dE  ’ ’ d  (E,E  ) EE ’ R eff (E ,E  ) EE ’ EE th

13 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev13 Muon Yield 10 1 10 3 10 5 10 7 10 -11 10 -9 10 -7 10 -5 10 -3 Neutrino energy (GeV) Probability E  = 100 GeV th E  = 1 GeV th  = 90º  = 150º  = 180º

14 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev14 Response Function Response curves for various  for E -  spectra    Y(E,E  ) EE th

15 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev15 Atmospheric Neutrinos

16 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev16 Search window  muon – neutrino misalignment  multiple muon scattering in rock  detector properties (possible to measure) d2d2 d E  dcos   -  2 /4  2  e d  P(  )d  = 2222

17 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev17 Moon Shadow: Baksan

18 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev18 MACRO Collaboration astro-ph/0302586 Moon Shadow: MACRO

19 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev19 MACRO Collaboration astro-ph/0302586 Moon Shadow: MACRO

20 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev20 Super-Kamiokande

21 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev21 SKY: Baksan

22 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev22 SKY: MACRO

23 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev23 SKY: Super-Kamiokande

24 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev24 Neutrino induced  -flux limit (90% C.L.)

25 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev25 Preliminary limits (in units of 10 -15 muons cm -2 s -1 ): Cas A: 0.6 Mk421: 1.4 Mk501: 0.8 Crab: 6.8 SS433: 10.5 1328 events SKY: AMANDA Equatorial coordinates: declination vs. right ascension.

26 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev26 Cluster search: MACRO

27 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev27 Cluster search: Super-Kamiokande

28 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev28 Expected sensitivity AMANDA 97-02 data 4 years Super-Kamiokande 8 years MACRO 170 days AMANDA-B10 -90 0-45 9045 10 -15 10 -14   cm -2 s -1 declination (degrees) southern sky northern sky SS-433 Mk-421 /  ~ 1 25 years Baksan

29 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev29  Fraction of time sky below horizon Point sources: south detector + north detector Perspectives

30 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev30 -90 0-45 9045 10 -15 10 -14   cm -2 s -1 SS-433 Mk-501 /  ~ 1 10 -17 10 -16 2001 2007 2003 2012 Expected sensitivities to steady point sources GX 339-4 „typical“ predictions for AGN, SNR,...

31 22.05.2004S. Mikheyev31

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