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Information Inquiry Research Models By Wendy West.

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1 Information Inquiry Research Models By Wendy West

2 Purpose of Information Inquiry Models Information inquiry models are techniques for students to gain meaningful information. According to Callison the five main components to information inquiry are: 1.questioning 2. exploring 3. assimilation 4. inference 5. reflection

3 Super 3 Plan What information do I need? How will I find the information? Do Gather necessary information. Put it all together. Review Is the job complete? Is my work ready to turn in?

4 Pathways to Knowledge Appreciation and Enjoyment PresearchEvaluationSearchInterpretationEvaluationCommunicationEvaluation

5 I-Search Select a Topic Search interests Browse resources Find Information Define questions Explore resources Use Information Take notes Analyze information Develop a Final Product Organize information Share information Reflection

6 Similarities/Differences All three information inquiry models use all five components of information inquiry. The Super 3 model has 3 easy to follow steps that will be helpful to elementary age students. The Pathways to Knowledge model uses an evaluation step after all steps to help students self monitor their progress. The I-Search model has 4 easy steps that is used at the high school level.

7 Maryland VSC VSCSuper 3Pathways to Knowledge I-Search 2. Locate Information PlanPresearch/ Search Find Information 3. Collection Information DoSearchUse Information 4. Organize & Manage Data DoCommunicationDevelop a final product 5. Interpret Information Do/ReviewEvaluationUse Information Develop a final product

8 Standards for the 21 st Century Learner StandardSuper 3Pathways to Knowledge I-Search 1. Inquire, think critically, gain knowledge Plan/DoPresearch/ Evaluation/Search Select a topic/ Find information 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Do/ReviewEvaluation/ Interpretation Use Information 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. DoCommunicationDevelop a final product 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Do/ReviewAppreciation & Enjoyment/ Evaluation Develop a final product

9 References Follett Software Company (1999). Pathways to Knowledge. Retrieved 26 November 2008 from Follett Software Company: Ed.D, Danny Callison, and Ph.D., Annette Lamb, (2004). Information Age Inquiry. Retrieved 26 November 2008 from Ed.DPh.D. Eisenberg, Michael B. and Berkowitz, Robert E. (1986). The Big 6. Retrieved 26 November 2008 from EisenbergBerkowitz Woolery, Steve (1997). Researching the I-Search Paper. Retrieved 26 November 2008 from Woolery American Library Association (2008). American Association of School Librarians. Retrieved 26 November 2008 from American Library Association: Gallaudet University,. (2000). I-Search Paper Format Guide. English Works!. 9 December, 2008 from

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