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RESEARCH AND BIBLIOGRAPHY TIP #2 Science Fair. Science Fair Research At this point you should have completed the following with your Science Teacher:

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2 Science Fair Research At this point you should have completed the following with your Science Teacher: 1. Topic approval And working on your… 2. Problem statement. 3. Hypothesis. NOW it’s time to RESEARCH!!

3 What do I need to research?? Your research will be related to the topic of your experiment. Look at your problem statement and hypothesis to get ideas. Use key scientific vocabulary to direct your search. Use Scientific Concepts to also direct your search.

4 Here is an example! PROBLEM STATEMENT How many times does a balloon need to be rubbed to create enough static electricity to stick to a wall? HYPOTHESIS If a balloon is rubbed 10 times then it will stick to a wall.

5 What do you think should be the research sub- topics? Use the hypothesis and problem statement for Ideas.

6 What would you research? What is static electricity? Why does the balloon need to be rubbed? What causes the balloon to stick to a wall? Do some materials work better than Others for making static electricity? If so, what are they? How is static electricity Similar to /different from electricity from an electrical outlet?

7 Example #2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Which metals are better conductors of heat? HYPOTHESIS If copper, iron and aluminum wire are heated, then the iron wire will conduct the heat faster than the copper or aluminum wire.

8 What do you think should be the research sub- topics? Use the hypothesis and problem statement for Ideas.

9 What are possible Research Sub-Topics?  What materials make affective conductors of heat?  What is a conductor?  What are physical properties of a good heat conductor?  How does heat move through an object?  What is heat ?  What are physical and chemical properties of a good heat conductor?

10 Research using various resources to find information related to your sub-topics. Encyclopedias Scientific Magazines Credible Internet web-sites Textbooks Expert testimony Non-fiction books

11 Wikipedia may not be used as a source.

12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Skim a passage to see if you can use the information. 3. When you find a passage that you can use, document the bibliography information. 2. Analyze the source to determine if the source if credible. *No Wikipedia sources. *Google is a search engine NOT a source. *look,.edu,.org 4.Designate the last 2 pages of your logbook to document Bibliography information.

13 BIBLIOGRAPHY(continued) What information do I need to cite my sources?? Use STADDUP S Site or database name T Title of the webpage or book A Author (if not available must include a publisher in order to be a credible source.) D Date of publication (found at the bottom of the a website and on the title page of a book) D Date of access (Website only: the date you went to the site. U URL (Website only) Look,.org,.gov for more credible sources. P Publishing information (located at bottom of a website or title page of a book)

14 You must have 3 different sources cited in the bibliography. Always write down the BIBLIOGRAPHY information from the SITE/BOOK/ENCYLOPEDIA you are using, on the last 2 pages of your logbook, before you write down the research information. Each Source should be Numbered.

15 LET’S LOOK AT A RESEARCH ORGANIZER You will complete the research organizer in your LOGBOOK.. An example is in your TIP packet. NEW : YOU WILL DRAW A Research ORGANIZER IN YOUR LOGBOOK.

16 Research Organizer Source Number (w rite in the margin) Sub-topicBulleted Details All research should be written in the logbook in this Research organizer format

17 Bullet the details from your research on the Research Organizer draw In your logbook READ the passage needed for your research. WRITE the information in your own words. This decreases the possibility of plagiarism.

18 Let’s Look at a Completed Example using the Conductors of Heat Experiment.

19 Research Organizer (in logbook) Source Number Sub-topicBulleted Details 1 What is heat? *Transfers from warmer object or area to cooler object or area * Heat and temperature are not the same thing. * The measure of energy in a substance. 2What is conduction? *Transfer of heat between two touching materials. *the better the conductor the faster the heat transfer 3Properties of conductors *Atoms are loosely arranged *Atoms have room to move around *Metals 3Examples of good conductors silver copper gold aluminum iron steel

20 Let’s Look at a Completed Example using the Static Electricity of a Balloon Experiment

21 Research Organizer Source # Sub-topicBulleted Details 2What is static electricity? *Charges in an object are not balanced. *Either have more negative than positive charges or positive than negative. *Items with opposite charges attract. *Items with like charges repel 1Where do these charges come from? *the protons and electrons of an atom. 3 How do protons and electrons cause the static charge of an object? *Electrons are negatively charged. *Protons positive *Usually same amount of both so no charge. *Removal of electrons leaves more protons so positive charged item *Addition of electrons = negative charge. *Only electrons move

22 Now you are ready to RESEARCH for your Science Fair Research Report!!!

23 Let’s Review

24 When you find a source you want to use, what should you do first? Write down the source information Where is the source/bibliography information written? The last 2 pages of your logbook.

25 What do the letters in the acronym STADDUP stand for? S Site or database name T Title of the webpage or book A Author (if not available must include a publisher in order to be a credible source.) D Date of publication (found at the bottom of the a website and on the title page of a book) D Date of access (Website only: the date you went to the site. U URL (Website only) Look,.org,.gov for more credible sources. P Publishing information (located at bottom of a website or title page of a book)

26 What sources can you use to research your topic? Science Textbook Non fiction library books Journals Encyclopedias Internet websites Remember: *GOOGLE is NOT a website, but is a Search engine and should not be used in the bibliography. **No Wikipedia

27 How should details related to the SUB-TOPICS be written? Details should be bulleted. Verb phrases Paraphrased In the LOGBOOK


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