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Deaf children & young peoples experiences of technology Jersey March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Deaf children & young peoples experiences of technology Jersey March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deaf children & young peoples experiences of technology Jersey March 2013

2 Topics NDCS What we mean by ‘technology’ Research with young deaf people – knowledge Research with families, children & young deaf people – impact of technology NDCS information & advice about technology

3 About us Founded by parents for parents in 1944 The UK’s largest national charity supporting all deaf children and their families Supports all families regardless of deafness, amplification, communication methodology and educational placement

4 Our vision A world without barriers for every deaf child

5 Our aims Empowering deaf children, young people and their families to determine what happens in their lives and shape the services they receive Increasing awareness of the support deaf children need to achieve and challenging social attitudes which prevent them achieving Influencing and challenging key decision makers to make deaf children and young people a political priority

6 Our services Freephone helpline Free membership to families and professionals Family officers Legal casework team Regional directors team Offices in London, Birmingham, Belfast, Cardiff and Glasgow Membership magazine & email updates Free publications A purpose built Listening Bus Technology Test Drive - equipment loan scheme Support for local DCS’s Events & training for families and young deaf people including arts, sports, outdoor activities and family weekends Me2 team working with mainstream providers to provide accessible and deaf friendly activities

7 Technology Products and technologies which can help deaf children at school, at home or when socialising with friends. Range from assistive products (e.g. vibrating alarm clocks, telephone & entertainment equipment accessories), radio aids, to the latest smartphones and apps.

8 The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Children who have any kind of disability should have special care and support so that they can lead full and independent lives. Children have the right to say what they think should happen, when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.

9 Children and young people’s views

10 1.Over to you, NDCS 2010 2.NDCS Youth Consultation 2007 (Children & young people aged 9-18 years) 3.Cochlear Implants: The Young People’s Perspective, 2007 4.The NHSP Children’s Consultation 2007

11 Change your world 2007




15 Technology impact report 2012 Based on 175 product loans from the NDCS Technology Test Drive during 2011-12


17 Radio aid loans

18 “He has been able to speak to all grandparents on his own – it is wonderful for them and him” “She can listen to her music, play quietly on her DS and hear better on my mobile phone”

19 "Amazing product. She can now hear her calls. We were relying on text messages before, but this has changed everything! Love it” "He was not able to hear the TV before using the loop. Now he was able to join in with the family more and was very excited to hear the words to films he had watched many times before and be able to understand them"

20 “She can now listen to her MP3 player and doesn’t feel ‘left out’ by not being able to use gadgets like her friends can” "She has been able to have a private phone conversation (she had to use speakerphone before). Also she can listen to her music without everyone else having to listen as well” “It means he can use a smart phone which he considers ‘cool’ amongst his friends – an important factor at 11 years of age!”







27 YouTube Channel How to… Family stories Who will help my deaf child? Videos for deaf teenagers Positive parenting / Who am I? / Getting ahead BSL for sports And more!

28 Under 10’s

29 Monkey’s NHS Film Clips n n GP surgery School nurse Pharmacy Childline First aid, Epipen & more All with subtitles and BSL


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