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1. Introduction (8%) Computer Networks. Introduction Interconnection of number of computers Interconnection through copper wire fiber optics microwaves.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Introduction (8%) Computer Networks. Introduction Interconnection of number of computers Interconnection through copper wire fiber optics microwaves."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Introduction (8%) Computer Networks

2 Introduction Interconnection of number of computers Interconnection through copper wire fiber optics microwaves infrared communication satellite

3 Uses of Networks Distributed Systems –Software system built on top of computer networks –Primary objective of Computer Networks: Transfer data from machine A to machine B Facilitate access to remote information Facilitate sharing of data Facilitates person to person communication Facilitate Interactive Entertainment

4 Social Issues The topics for bulletin boards, news groups etc should be kept under watch for sensitive topics Hacking Virus spreading Anonymous messages can be sent

5 Transmission Technology –Broadcast Technology –Point-to-Point Technology Broadcast Technology –Single Communication Channel –Data sent by sender will be received & processed by all –Multicasting: Transmission to a subset of machines –Used for small networks

6 Transmission Technology Point to Point Technology –Many connections between individual pairs of machines –Used for big networks Unicasting: Point to point transmission with one sender and one receiver.

7 Local Area Networks 3 Characteristics: 1.Size Restricted to limited size Worst case transmission time is bounded and known in advance 2.Transmission Technology Connected through cable LANs run at 10 to 100 Mbps or now Gbps 3.Topology –Bus & Ring

8 Two Examples of Broadcast NWs Bus Ring

9 The Broadcasting in LAN At any instance only one machine is allowed to send Arbitration mechanism is required (Common Bus) –Static divide time into discrete intervals and use a round-robin algorithm Waste of time –Dynamic Decentralized –Sender check the channel before sending Centralized – Bus arbitration unit decides who goes next Ethernet (also known by no 802.3) –bus-based broadcast network with decentralized control

10 Metropolitan Area Network It is a bigger version of LAN and may encompass the whole city –Ex Cable Television In MANs we use DQDB and also known by no 802.6 –DQDB=Dual Queue Dual Bus –DQDB contains two unidirectional busses to which all the computers are connected Upper bus for right, lower bus for left

11 Architecture of DQDB MAN

12 Wide Area Networks It spans a large geographical area, usually a country or continent The hosts are connected by a communication subnet, or just subnet for short Subnet is operated by Telephony Company or ISP The job of the subnet is to carry messages from host to host

13 Relation Between Hosts and Subnet Subnet = Transmission lines + Switching Element Transmission Line – copper wires,optical fiber, radio links Switching Element - Router


15 Internetwork A collection of interconnected networks is called an internetwork or internet. Many networks exist in the world, often with different hardware and software. To fulfill this Gateway is used –Also known as Protocol converters Internet is a collection of LANs connected by WAN –If system contains only routers => subnet –If system contains routers & hosts => WAN

16 Wireless Networks Categories 1.System Interconnection –Short-range radio signals –bluetooth –Keyboard, mouse connection 2.Wireless LANs –Require radio modem and antenna –Less range 3.Wireless MANs –Radio networks –Wide range –Used in cellular telephones –1G – analog and voice –2G – digital and voice –3G – digital voice and data

17 Figure 2-19 Internetwork (Internet)

18 Need For Protocol Architecture Reduce Complexity Data exchange can involve complex procedures like file transfer Better if task broken into subtasks Implemented separately in layers in stack –each layer provides functions needed to perform communication for layers above Peer layers communicate with a protocol

19 Design Issues in layers Identification of Host Rules for data transfer –In one direction or both Error Control –Error detecting and correcting codes Sequencing of data Flow Control Inability of accepting long messages –Disassembling, transmitting and reassembling messages Avoid separate connection because of inconveniency and expensive, –Multiplexing and Demultiplexing Multiple paths between source and destination, a route must be chosen –Routing

20 Connection Oriented & Connectionless Services CO –Establish connection, use the connection and releases the connection –Eg: Telephone system CL –Eg: Postal service

21 Addressing Requirements Two levels of addressing required Each host on a subnet needs a unique global network address –its IP address Each application on a (multi-tasking) host needs a unique address within the host –known as a port

22 Reference Models There are two very famous models –OSI Reference model OSI = Open Systems Interconnection Developed by ISO (International Standard Organization) Protocols are not used but the model is valid –TCP/IP Reference model TCP/IP = Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Here protocols are widely used

23 The TCP/IP Reference Model

24 The OSI Reference Model

25 A layer created when different abstraction is needed A layer should perform a well defined function Minimize information flow across the interface No. of layers=>large =>distinct function No. of layers=>small=>architecture becomes unwieldy

26 Communication between End-Systems

27 The Physical Layer It is concerned with transmitting raw bits 1 should be received as 1 and not zero! It deals with mechanical, electrical, timing interfaces & physical transmission

28 Figure 3-4  Physical Layer

29 The Data Link Layer It’s job is to provide error-free transmission between two adjacent computers It breaks the sender data in data frames Assign sequence no. to each frame If the service is reliable, the receiver confirms correct receipt of each frame by sending back an acknowledgement frame. Checks for the buffer space at the receiver end

30 The Data Link Layer Flow control –Sender and Receiver may not match in speed MAC (Medium access control) –For Broadcast Networks Only –Decides “ Who will access the Medium “ Medium = Ethernet (802.11)

31 Figure 3-5  Data Link Layer

32 Figure 3-6  Data Link Layer Example

33 The Network Layer Controls the operation of subnet To route the packets from ultimate source to ultimate destination Congestion control –When many no. of computers want to send data destined to another network simultaneously –Each data has to pass from same router Problems with heterogeneous NWs like addressing, packet size etc are important

34 Routing Directing packets over number of networks Computer A Computer B

35 Figure 3-8  Network Layer Example

36 Figure 3-8-continued  Network Layer Example

37 The Transport Layer It accepts data from the upper layer, split it into smaller units if needed, pass to NWL, and ensure it arrives intact at the other end Every process send data to network with the help of port So transport layer adds port nos to the data received from upper layer (i.e. Session Layer) Hence it’s first true end-to-end layer

38 Transport Protocols

39 Session Layer To establish a session bet n 2 processes It establishes, manages and terminates the connections between the local and remote application. The Session layer is typically completely unused Dialogue control –To decide whose turn to speak (send data) Synchronization –To add checkpoints to the stream of data for roll backing

40 Presentation Layer Presentation of the data to be sent Translation –Translate data to be sent in bit streams Encryption –Transform the original info to another form Compression –Reduce the no of bits to be transmitted

41 The Application Layer Enable us to access network User friendly software application Examples –Network virtual terminal (eg: telnet) –Mail services (eg: Eudora) –Directory services

42 Figure 3-14  Summary of Layer Functions

43 OSI Model Data unitLayerFunction Host layers Data 7. Application Network process to application 6. Presentation Data representation and encryption 5. Session Interhost communication Segment4. Transport End-to-end connections and reliability (TCP) Media layers Packet/Datagram3. Network Path determination and logical addressing (IP) Frame2. Data link Physical addressing (MAC & LLC) Bit1. Physical Signal and binary transmission

44 The TCP/IP Reference Model Used in the Internet History –First used by ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) –ARPANET was a research network

45 Protocols and Networks in TCP/IP Model

46 Internet Layer Packet switching network based on connectionless internetwork layer. Packets travel independently in the network Order can be different –It’s the job of higher levels to rearrange this packet.

47 A Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP TCP/IP model is widely used compared to OSI model OSI model explicitly defines services, interfaces and protocols (Well organized) OSI  Model designed first and then protocols TCP/IP  Protocols designed first and then model No of layers are 4 compared to 7

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