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HINS ProtonSource/LEBT Beam Measurement Meeting on HINS Beam Dynamics and Diagnostics March 13, 2009 Salah Chaurize Vic Scarpine Wai-Ming Tam.

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Presentation on theme: "HINS ProtonSource/LEBT Beam Measurement Meeting on HINS Beam Dynamics and Diagnostics March 13, 2009 Salah Chaurize Vic Scarpine Wai-Ming Tam."— Presentation transcript:

1 HINS ProtonSource/LEBT Beam Measurement Meeting on HINS Beam Dynamics and Diagnostics March 13, 2009 Salah Chaurize Vic Scarpine Wai-Ming Tam

2 Content Layout of HINS proton source/LEBT Beam profile measurement using wire scanner Steering capability of the trim dipole magnets Beam rotation by focusing solenoid

3 Pictures of LEBT and Wire Scanner Proton Source Solenoid Wire Scanner

4 Beam Energy = 48 keV Beam Current = 8 mA NameRange [Amp][Gauss] USUpstream Solenoid410 – 4903800 – 4600 DSDownload Solenoid450 – 5704200 – 5300 UHUpstream Horizontal Trim0 – 30 – 100 UVUpstream Vertical Trim0 – 30 – 100 DHDownstream Horizontal Trim0 – 30 – 100 DVDownstream Vertical Trim0 – 30 – 100 Layout of LEBT Wire Scanner USDS UH, UVDH, DV Proton 17 cm 52 cm22.4 cm 17 cm

5 Expression used for fitting: where A Typical Fit Proton Other species A Typical Wire Scan For a typical fit, standard deviation for   is about 2%. Beam Pipe Other species fill out the whole beam pipe.

6 Horizontal Beam Width The strength of the upstream solenoid has little effect on beam size. The size of the beam waist is measured to be ~0.7 mm.

7 Vertical Beam Width The strength of the upstream solenoid has little effect on beam size. The size of the beam waist is measured to be ~0.6 mm.

8 Asymmetric Beam The beam is asymmetric. Beam asymmetry can be due to misalignment in beamline and/or possibly from the proton source itself.

9 Comparison to TRACK Simulation Input Beam for TRACK: ε(n,rms) = 0.233 π mm-mrad α = -1.82 β = 0.331 mm/mrad US = 380 Amps Current = 8 mA Energy = 50 keV Wire Scanner

10 West Up East Down Trim Dipole Steering Trim dipoles at 100 Gauss. All possible combinations of trim setting fall inside the diamond. 18 mm 55 o Steering effect is rotated by the downstream solenoid.

11 Beam Rotation by Solenoid Azimuthal Kick Paper by K.T. McDonald Solenoid Azimuthal Kick Angle of rotation thru solenoid L eff Center of Solenoid Azimuthal Kick Helical Path Uniform Field

12 Beam Rotation by Solenoid DS = 450 to 570 Amps Exact location of beam needed to be analyzed. Rotation of beam as a function of solenoid field matches well with calculations.

13 Conclusion Beam waist at wire scanner  rms ~ 0.7 mm Beam is asymmetric. It can possibly be due to misalignment. Trim dipoles steer beam +/- 9 mm both planes. Beam rotation due to solenoid agrees with model. Model can possibly be used to determine solenoid misalignment.

14 8.1 cm Vanes of RFQ Wire Scanner 14 cm Downstream Solenoid 5.9 cm Distance Between WS and RFQ There is a known distance between the wire scanner and the vanes of the RFQ.

15 US = 440 amp DS = 510 amp Uni-Polar Steering Dipole DV (Down) DH (East) UV (Up) UH (West)

16 DV DH UV UH UV DV DH Symmetric Uni-Polar Steering Dipole Downstream trims give more steering.

17 DS = 450 to 570 Amps US = 410 to 490 Amps Vertical Beam Width

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