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National Science Foundation International Programs Larry Weber National Science Foundation International Programs Larry Weber.

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Presentation on theme: "National Science Foundation International Programs Larry Weber National Science Foundation International Programs Larry Weber."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Science Foundation International Programs Larry Weber National Science Foundation International Programs Larry Weber

2  Advance discovery  Develop a globally engaged US workforce International Activities NSF Objectives

3 International Activities NSF Support  Supplements to existing NSF grants  Part of new proposals to NSF disciplinary programs  New proposals to Office of International Science and Engineering

4 Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) Key elements for OISE funding:  Collaborative  Synergistic  Catalytic  Junior researchers & students

5 OISE Regional Clusters  Africa, Near East, South Asia  Americas  East Asia and Pacific  Europe and Eurasia  Global Initiatives

6 Proposals to OISE  Planning Visits  Workshops  Partnerships for International Research and Education  Postdoctoral Researchers and Students

7 Planning Visits  Short trips by US researchers  Assess foreign expertise, facilities, equipment, data, experimental protocols, etc.  Plan for collaborative research

8 Workshops  Co-organized by US & foreign investigator  Held in US or foreign country  NSF supports US participants  Identify areas of joint research  Stimulate future collaborative proposals  Include students and junior researchers

9  Innovative models  Cutting Edge scientific research  Excellent involvement of students & junior researchers  Strong international partners  Institutional resources (IT, language/culture, curriculum, other)  5-year awards of up to $2.5M each Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)

10 Many NSF programs!!! International research experience can: -Build cross-cultural scientific competence -Develop flexibility, global perspective -Enhance ability to work more effectively with international partners -Start lifelong collaborations -Change lives! Developing a Globally Engaged Workforce Key focus for OISE Key focus for OISE

11 Postdoctoral Researchers  Participation in NSF-funded projects  Disciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowships  International Research Fellowships  Japan Postdoctoral Fellowships

12 International Research Fellowships  Work outside the US for 9-24 months  Re-entry support  US citizens or permanent residents not past 3 years from their Ph.D.  Applications for work in developing countries especially encouraged  Deadline: 2 nd Tuesday in September

13 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowships  Research visits of 2 weeks to 2 years  Programs for - Advanced doctoral students - Postdoctoral researchers - Senior researchers

14 Support for Graduate Students  Participation in NSF-funded projects  Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program  Graduate Research Fellowships  Dissertation Enhancement Awards  East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes

15 Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program  Supports graduate research fellowships  Multidisciplinary, problem-oriented focus  Strong encouragement and support for international collaborations, including sending US students abroad

16 Graduate Research Fellowships  US citizen or permanent resident at beginning of graduate program  About 1,000 new fellowships each year  3 years of support over 5 years  One-time international travel allowance of $1,000  Possibility of OISE supplement to support collaborative research at foreign site

17 Dissertation Enhancement Research  Supports doctoral research in a foreign country  Must be collaborative, with evidence of intellectual involvement of foreign institution  US faculty mentor is PI on proposal  Up to $15,000 per award for up to 2 years  If NSF disciplinary program supports dissertation enhancement, proposals should be submitted there

18 East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) Become an internationally experienced researcher. Spend eight weeks conducting research and experiencing life in: Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand or Taiwan

19 East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for US Graduate Students  Conduct research at a host institute  Language study and cultural orientation  Professional visits  Eight weeks June-August in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand or Taiwan

20 “I never expected that simply being in a different place could be so stimulating for research... but it was!" East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes

21 "Living in Asia for two months can provide you with a wonderful opportunity to step back and look at your own culture." East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes

22 Support for Undergraduate Students  Participation in NSF-funded projects  Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)  International Research Experiences for Students

23 Research Experiences for Undergraduates “The REU program is a major contributor to the NSF goal of developing a diverse, INTERNATIONALLY COMPETITIVE and GLOBALLY ENGAGED scientific and engineering workforce.”

24 Research Experiences for Undergraduates  Supplements  Sites

25 REU Site - Japan Advanced Technologies (Civil Engineering) Washington University

26 Looking Beyond the Borders: A Project Director’s Handbook of Best Practices for International REU’s

27 International Research Experiences for Students  Can include graduate and undergraduate students  Supports small groups of students in a particular field  Awards of up to $50,000 per year for up to 3 years  Deadlines: 9/15 and 2/15


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