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GSFC Self Assessment Based on identified weaknesses from the GSFC 2007 Self Assessment and NASA HQ’s Survey Team Findings (July 2007) Randomly selected.

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Presentation on theme: "GSFC Self Assessment Based on identified weaknesses from the GSFC 2007 Self Assessment and NASA HQ’s Survey Team Findings (July 2007) Randomly selected."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSFC Self Assessment Based on identified weaknesses from the GSFC 2007 Self Assessment and NASA HQ’s Survey Team Findings (July 2007) Randomly selected Contracts, Purchase Orders and Delivery Orders for review. Review team consisted of a group of your peers.

2 GSFC Self Assessment Review Elements SEMO Review Compliance Technical Evaluations COTR Training/Delegations Surveillance Plans Simplified Acquisitions – Purchase Orders Delivery Orders against GSA Federal Supply Schedules Delivery Orders/Task Orders against internal/external contracts Simplified Acquisition Procedures

3 GSFC Self Assessment Noticed improvements in the areas of: Ensuring COTR’s completed required training. Technical Evaluations for Contract awards. Timely closeout of purchase/delivery orders. Adequate Price Analysis for Delivery Orders Against Internal/External Orders. Orders were signed by Contracting Officer’s within their delegated authority.

4 GSFC Self Assessment Noticed improvements in the areas of: No split requirements. Utilizing the Central Contract Register for vendor verification. Distributing purchase orders, under the micro- purchase threshold, equitably among qualified suppliers. Continue to utilize efficient and economical purchasing methods (specifically Bankcards).

5 GSFC Self Assessment Recommend improvements in the following areas: Timely SEMO reviews. Ensuring COTR Delegations are signed. Understanding when a Surveillance Plan is required. Surveillance Plan content. Price Analysis, Sole Source Justifications, Technical Evaluations, Technical Monitor Delegation checklists, for Simplified Acquisition Purchase Orders. Orders placed utilizing the Commercial Item Test Program authority.

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