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PROJECT PARTICIPAR + Porto – 12th September 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT PARTICIPAR + Porto – 12th September 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT PARTICIPAR + Porto – 12th September 2009

2 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal Partnership REAPN – Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza/Portugal – 12 local participants Red Europea de Lucha Contra la Pobreza y la Exclusão Social en Espana (EAPN Spain) – 12 local participants Flemish Network of Associations of People Experiencing Poverty (EAPN Belgium – Flanders) – 12 local participants Federation “The National Antipoverty Network – Social Inclusion” (RENASIS - Romania) – 12 local participants

3 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 3 Participar + General Aim: To exchange information on poverty and social exclusion situation in each country, and to identify good pratices on how to involve people experiencing poverty in the implementation of social policies.

4 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 4 Specific objectives: To deepen the knowledge on poverty and social inclusion in the four countries partners, through the methodology of peer reviews; To activate the participation of people experiencing poverty; To raise awareness about the consequences of the present crisis in social field; To fight prejudices and stereotypes on people experiencing poverty.

5 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal Participants / Target Group : People living in poverty and social exclusion; Organisations and professionals that work with these groups.

6 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 6 ACTIVITIES – STEERING COMMITTEES (IN PORTUGAL) 1SC - to define common methodologies for the peer reviews and for the communication tools; 2 SC - to monitor the work of the partners and exchange information/documentation and knowledge; 3 SC - to evaluate the project and the outputs produced – the publication and the website.

7 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 7 ACTIVITIES – PEER REVIEWS 1st PEER REVIEW - ROMANIA Start : 13/11/2009 End: 14/11/2009 Nr. Participants: 21 Content: To know the social situation in each country on poverty and social exclusion Expected Results : Exchange of information, making a portrait of the social situation in each country, having in mind the most important sources of information at national and European level (Ex. Eurostat)

8 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 8 ACTIVITIES – PEER REVIEWS 2nd PEER REVIEW - MADRID Start : 18/12/2009 End: 19/12/2009 Nr. Participants: 21 Content: Participation of people experiencing poverty. Define good practices and understand how we can work with this population. Expected Results :To share good practices in the intervention with people experiencing poverty, identify new methodologies of intervention that can be reproduced in different contexts and with different communities.

9 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 9 ACTIVITIES – PEER REVIEWS 3st PEER REVIEW - BELGIUM Start : 26/03/2010 End: 27/03/2010 Nr. Participants: 21 Content: Participation of people experiencing poverty. To reinforce the positive and well succeed experiences. Expected Results :To share experiences between the participants. Identify strategies to overcome the poverty situation that can be transferred to other context, specially in the area of employment, education, training, health, housing.

10 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 10 ACTIVITIES – PEER REVIEWS 4st PEER REVIEW - PORTUGAL Start : 20/05/2010 End: 23/05/2010 Nr. Participants: 21 Content: To define specific recommendations to the European Commission about the need to built a more inclusive Europe preparing 2010. Expected Results :. Identify recommendations to the EC and also to the member states involved (national governments) to contribute to the European Year 2010.

11 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal 11 PRODUCTS Publication with the results of the Peer Reviews Website

12 Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza / Portugal CONTACTS REAPN – REDE EUROPEIA ANTI- POBREZA/PORTUGAL Phone: +351225420800 / +351225420805

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