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Kitty van Tooren Halt Employee Security Dept. City of Haarlem.

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Presentation on theme: "Kitty van Tooren Halt Employee Security Dept. City of Haarlem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kitty van Tooren Halt Employee Security Dept. City of Haarlem

2 Consequences of juvenile crime Damage > hundreds of millions of Euros Distress or irritation for victims Social unrest

3 Destruction or theft that goes unpunished leads to worse...

4 Objective : To reduce juvenile crime Viewpoint : failure to punish means recurrence or worsening

5 overt violence against property petty vandalism (including graffiti) petty forms of arson theft or embezzlement (or attempts to do so) receiving stolen property rowdy behaviour in public trespass disturbing the order, peace and safety on board or the proper operation of public transport possession of illegal fireworks or lighting illegal or legal fireworks outside the permitted times Criminal offences

6 Age from 12 to 18 years The juvenile admits to the crime committed The juvenile has been with Halt on no more than one previous occasion, at least a year previously The juvenile or his parents give permission for Halt referral Other criteria

7 First interview Second interview Work Compensation scheme Agreements The conclusion The Halt procedure

8 Success! Educationally responsible Dealt with quickly Extrajudicial settlement Mediation between the victim and the offender

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