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Section I: Bringing The Community Together Center for Community Outreach Key Components of Afterschool Programs.

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1 Section I: Bringing The Community Together Center for Community Outreach Key Components of Afterschool Programs

2 Why Afterschool Programming? As many as 15 million kids have no place to go after school Department of Labor Key Components of Afterschool Programs

3 Learn the Facts ● More than 28 million children today have both parents who work outside the home. ● Studies show that students involved in afterschool programs get better grades, attend school more and have improved behavior. Key Components of Afterschool Programs National After School Alliance

4 Learn the Facts (cont’d.) ● Teens who participate in out-of-school time programs are less likely to skip class, use marijuana and other drugs, smoke, drink alcohol or engage in sexual activity. ● Two-thirds of Americans say that it is difficult to find programs in their communities and that not enough programs are available. Key Components of Afterschool Programs National After School Alliance

5  Growing number of youth who do not actively engage in physical activity during school or after school resulting in 13% of youth identified as being obese. Learn the Facts (cont’d.) National After School Alliance Key Components of Afterschool Programs

6 Learn the Facts 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 Time of Day U.S. Serious Violent Crimes Committed by Juveniles on School Days Key Components of Afterschool Programs U.S. Violent Crime Victimization of Juveniles on School Days 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 Time of Day Data Source: Snyder, H.N., Sickmund, M., Juvenile Offenders and Victims; 1999 National Report, National Center for Juvenile Justice and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Washington D.C. September 1999

7 Components of Afterschool Programs ● Administration ● Programming ● Youth Engagement ● Partnerships Key Components of Afterschool Programs

8 1) Program Goals  Program has a logic model  Staff, partners and stakeholders have input in development of goals and program activities. 2) Management  Agreements in place with partners and collaborators  Program director is highly involved with school administration. 3) Sustainability  Identify champions in your community  Develop a diversified funding base.  Identify programming needs of the community Administration Key Components of Afterschool Programs

9 4) Staff Development and Capacity  Job qualifications and requirements in place.  Staff are involved in training opportunities. 5) Financing ● Program utilizes partners resources to support program. ● Long-term funding is secured. ● Strong network of community partners. 6) Policy and Advocacy ● Program data is used for advocacy. ● Program connects with community leaders. Administration (cont’d.) Key Components of Afterschool Programs

10 7) Research and Evaluation ● Program uses data from outcome and needs assessments to adjust programming. ● Program continuously monitors research on best practices on youth development and out-of-school programs. 8) Resources ● Program can accommodate activities with a variety of in- house space. ● Program has enough staff to offer a 10-1 ratio ● Program is compliant with health and safety standards. Administration (cont’d.) Key Components of Afterschool Programs

11 1) Homework and Academic Support ● Formal or informal system is in place with school, parent and program to support academic assistance. ● Formal plans are in place to support school day instruction. 2) Math Programming ● System in place to identify struggling students, additional supportive activities are offered. ● Communication is in place with parents regarding their child’s progress. Programming Key Components of Afterschool Programs

12 3) Literacy Programming ● Program has process in place to identify struggling students, additional supportive activities are offered. ● Media & technology resources are added to enhance activities. 4) Social Studies and Science ● Activities are offered through a variety of experiences. ● Multiple methods of instruction are used that allow youth a range of learning experiences. Programming (cont’d.) Key Components of Afterschool Programs

13 5) Art ● Program offers regularly scheduled activities. ● Program offers wide ranges on genres. 6) Recreation ● Youth are offered a wide range of activities. ● Youth are engaged in planning and delivering activities 7) Health and Safety ● Specific programming is offered relating to health and/or safety. ● Individuals with expertise on various topics are utilized. Programming (Cont’d.) Key Components of Afterschool Programs

14 1) Youth Leadership ● Staff identify certain youth who are interested in developing leadership skills, opportunities are offered. ● System is in place to recognize youth’s achievement in leadership. 2) Youth Engagement ● Program activities are interactive between staff & youth. ● Youth have the opportunity to design program activities. 3) Program Climate ● Process in place for youth & families to resolve issues with staff and/or program. ● Staff are formally trained on positive behavior management techniques. ● Staff have positive and frequent interaction with youth. Youth Development Key Components of Afterschool Programs

15 Partnerships 1) Community ● Program has collaborative partnerships in the community ● A committee of partnerships members is in place to plan cooperative programming. 2) School ● Program works in full partnership with school to bridge learning experiences between school and program ● Formal process in place to communicate with the schools 3) Families ● Program offers access to parents during programming. ● Parents have input on programming. Key Components of Afterschool Programs

16 Why Afterschool Programming? As many as 15 million kids have no place to go after school Department of Labor Key Components of Afterschool Programs

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