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Building Evidence Based Field Agency Partners Katharine Briar-Lawson University at Albany.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Evidence Based Field Agency Partners Katharine Briar-Lawson University at Albany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Evidence Based Field Agency Partners Katharine Briar-Lawson University at Albany

2 40 year agenda in social work education Empirically based practice Clinician-scientists Agency based research and evaluation Field agencies as practice innovators Evidence based field units

3 Capacity building Moving from training to training/research/practice innovation partnerships with field agencies Development of hub agencies to serve as the lead in key service sectors Faculty-agency staff commit to fostering these evidence based partnerships

4 Design features Evidence based briefs from literature and curriculum Work plans for each agency hub Faculty consultation on new practices, barriers, new service approaches Training of staff and students Evaluating best practices initiatives when discernable intervention evidence not available,evaluating model building

5 Infrastructure Field office project coordinator Resources for lead faculty, agencies Doctoral student literature reviews Multiple pilots: -Child welfare-Parsons Child and Family Services -Addictions-Clearview, St.Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center -Mental health-Capital District Psychiatric Center -Aging:TBA

6 Parallel Processes at SSW Curriculum Committee reviews all practice courses for EBP Ongoing review of definitions of EBP EBP linked to cultural competence as school goal Special supports for adjunct faculty Ongoing attention to barriers

7 Current and Future Work Grants when possible offer evidence based field units-e.g. EBP field units in full service schools Innovation exchange across sites Field Institutes provide forums for dissemination, exchange (practitioners, faculty, field instructors) Website to feature evidence based briefs on addictions, child welfare, aging, juvenile justice/criminal justice Use field seminar to introduce EBP into practicum

8 Challenges Alignment with state agencies and their EBP priorities-may differ from field sites Capacity to mobilize sufficient resources to address agency barriers Casting initiative as developmental, barrier busting and very long term, ongoing feature of school-agency partnerships

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