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Crime & Deviance p.313. Sociological explanations for gang membership p. 313 Differential Association Differential Association Anomie Anomie Control theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Crime & Deviance p.313. Sociological explanations for gang membership p. 313 Differential Association Differential Association Anomie Anomie Control theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime & Deviance p.313

2 Sociological explanations for gang membership p. 313 Differential Association Differential Association Anomie Anomie Control theory Control theory Sub-cultural Sub-cultural

3 Subculture People who commit crime share a different set of values which is different from the values of society as a whole. They have a different subculture Brought up in a subculture sympathetic to crime

4 Differential association theory Learned from family, neighbourhood, peers Learned from family, neighbourhood, peers An excess of definitions favourable to violating the law over definitions unfavourable to law violation An excess of definitions favourable to violating the law over definitions unfavourable to law violation More exposure to illegal interactions than legal More exposure to illegal interactions than legal

5 Cohen and ‘Status deprivation’ Albert Cohen Delinquent Boys 1955 found that status deprivation was a key factor in joining a delinquent group. in joining a delinquent group. Status failure at school becomes a ‘king’ in the streets. W Belson, Juvenile theft, 1975, a study of thieves in London found that they stole so as to be ‘accepted as part of the group, to gain prestige’ W Belson, Juvenile theft, 1975, a study of thieves in London found that they stole so as to be ‘accepted as part of the group, to gain prestige’

6 Anomie: Merton All societies motivate people…they can achieve ($$ or prestige) through hard work (e.g, going to college) All societies motivate people…they can achieve ($$ or prestige) through hard work (e.g, going to college) For a subgroup of folks, this is impossible/difficult to attain For a subgroup of folks, this is impossible/difficult to attain Merton argues that when the goals of society are not possible by conventional means - folks use illegal means Merton argues that when the goals of society are not possible by conventional means - folks use illegal means

7 What is Social Control? Social control theory tells us that people commit crimes when they have not developed adequate attachments, have not become involved in and committed to conventional activities, and have not internalized the rules of society. Social control theory tells us that people commit crimes when they have not developed adequate attachments, have not become involved in and committed to conventional activities, and have not internalized the rules of society.

8 What is Social Control? Social Control Theory focuses on techniques and strategies that regulate human behavior and lead to conformity, or obedience to society’s rules—the influences of family and school, religious beliefs, moral values, friends, and even beliefs about government. Social Control Theory focuses on techniques and strategies that regulate human behavior and lead to conformity, or obedience to society’s rules—the influences of family and school, religious beliefs, moral values, friends, and even beliefs about government. The more involved and committed a person is to conventional activities and values and the greater the attachment to parents, loved ones, and friends, the less likely that person is to violate society's rules and to jeopardize relationships and aspirations. The more involved and committed a person is to conventional activities and values and the greater the attachment to parents, loved ones, and friends, the less likely that person is to violate society's rules and to jeopardize relationships and aspirations.

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