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Cooperation in field of Civil Protection. Europe Everyday We have experienced the need to enhance the presence of Europe in the daily performance of activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation in field of Civil Protection. Europe Everyday We have experienced the need to enhance the presence of Europe in the daily performance of activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation in field of Civil Protection

2 Europe Everyday We have experienced the need to enhance the presence of Europe in the daily performance of activities by civil protection operators. Only by working at the local level and on long term programs it is possible to conceive a better response of citizens involved in civil protection.

3 Europe in a Network At the European level, an essential action is investing in supporting initiatives aimed at aggregation and joint activity. We especially conceive a purely OPERATING network which might also meet bottom-up demands coming from single sector operators, apart from demands coming from international bodies or institutions.

4 Europe in Small-scale A process for the integration of Europe in everyday activities is not only built upon macro-projects, but also on smaller initiatives favouring exchange, comparison and knowledge, we therefore submit the proposal to broaden our scope within future fund planning and distribution to more restricted projects such as: i. Bilateral or multilateral exchanges ii. Invitation of observers for local initiatives with special relevance iii. Exchange and movement of experts iv. Development and dissemination of communication tools v. Small international seminars among operators

5 Network proposal European consortium constituted by Local Authorities, Voluntary Association and Universities

6 Aim Development of Territorial safety culture Improve experience exchanges between scientific bodies, institutional bodies and active citizens in civil protection Improve experience exchanges between scientific bodies, institutional bodies and active citizens in civil protection Create opportunity in order to participate in European initiative (project and funding research) Create opportunity in order to participate in European initiative (project and funding research) Be an interlocutor for the government in field of civil protection. Be an interlocutor for the government in field of civil protection.

7 Characteristics Legal personality Legal personality Every member should participate through a financial contribution in order to guarantee the activity Every member should participate through a financial contribution in order to guarantee the activity

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