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Block Starts Wendy Truvillion

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1 Block Starts Wendy Truvillion

2 Preliminary Settings and Positions (“On your marks”)
* Front Pedal is 1 ½ - 2 foot lengths from the line (or .55 x leg length) * Back Pedal is 2 ½ - 3 foot lengths from the line (or .42 x leg length from front block) * Hands are shoulder width apart * Index finger and thumb are at the starting line (not touching) * Weight supported on thumb-index finder bridge * Shoulders positioned above the hands to keep weight distributed evenly so as to not overload the quick side * Head (relaxed) in neutral alignment with neck and back * Hips lowered and relaxed * Body weight resting on rear knee * Toes or ball of front in contact with track and firmly against the pedals

3 Starting Position - Balance - Posture

4 “Set” Position * Lift hips smoothly above the shoulders (lock-in)
* 90 degree angle (front leg – power side) and 120 degree (back leg – quick side) flexion in knee **NOTE: angles less than 90 will correlate with lower power production. * Shin angle is acute (less than 90 degrees); enhances the ability to apply force to overcome the body’s inertia * “full footed” pressure against block pedals ***NOTE: force application comes from gluts and hamstrings – pre-tension desired to minimize movement time and eliminate a conscious pushing with the real leg at the gun * Shoulders above the hands to maximize force application ***NOTE: Do not shift shoulders over the start line, it will adversely affect angles at knee and hip * Head in relaxed, neutral alignment with spine * Cue motor response: have athlete focus on their first movement (motor), not the gun (sensory)

5 Start: Set Back strong and straight Joint angles favorable
for force application Balance: Front to back, left to right

6 Movement of the Start (“GO”)
* Extension of quick side (left) arm to contribute to force production of the power side (right) leg * Rear leg (left) “press” quickly extends, then flex (punch the knee) * Front leg (right) “push” quickly extends completely and forcefully * Extension of both hips (simultaneously) will initiate full extension of both legs to propel C of M forward ***NOTE: force must come from gluts and hamstrings to create hip extension * Head remains in neutral alignment with spine * Arms split powerfully, simultaneously (“shade sun”) * Body explodes (displaces) forward and upward * Shin angle remains unchanged; thus, contributing to movement of C of M forward * Low foot recovery from pedals; no heel to butt recovery * Punch the Knee!

7 Recruit: Rear leg-Front leg
1 2

8 Rear Foot 3

9 Rear Foot 4

10 Recruit: Gluts & Hams

11 Recruit: Gluts, Hams, Quads

12 Recruit: Quads, Gastroc, Soleus

13 Shin Angle 1

14 Shin Angle 2

15 Shin Angle 3

16 Shin Angle 4

17 Shin Angle 5

18 Shin Angle 6

19 Shin Angle 7

20 Shin Angle 8

21 Departure * Athlete is airborne, not walking from the blocks
* Each successive stride is the result of increasing velocities and decreasing acceleration values Ankle-hip distance is progressively reduced Shin angles increase Negative foot speed increases * Backside mechanics decrease * Frontside mechanics increase * Pattern of foot placement increases Ground contact time decreases

22 Questions and Answers Thank You!
Reference: USATF Coaches Education Level I and II Curriculum Manual, 2006

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