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Ben Kassel NSWCCD Ted Briggs Intergraph Corporation An Alternate Approach to the Exchange of Ship Product.

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Presentation on theme: "Ben Kassel NSWCCD Ted Briggs Intergraph Corporation An Alternate Approach to the Exchange of Ship Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ben Kassel NSWCCD Ted Briggs Intergraph Corporation An Alternate Approach to the Exchange of Ship Product Model Data

2 2 Nobody really knows what data they want until they need it, and then it may be too late. By the time the need is identified, the source is located, the formats are agreed upon, the funding is obtained, and the software is developed the need is overcome by events. Who wants product data… What data do they want … When do they want it? AP 215? AP 216? AP 227? AP 218? AP 214? AP 239? IFC? PDF? NATIVE? Sometimes data exchange is required to support a process within the shipyard. Sometimes data exchange is required to support the establishment of a virtual enterprise. Sometimes data exchange is required to deliver data to the Navy as part of a contract deliverable. Assuming the product data exists, how do you get it where it is needed? Native, IGES, STEP AP203, The shipbuilding STEP application protocols? For now the shipbuilding application protocols just are not available. An interim approach for data exchange is needed immediately!

3 3 Graphics File Data File Proprietary format graphics Proprietary format data No linkage between data and graphics EXPENSIVE, SLOW, UNTENABLE Business as Usual

4 4 STEP standard graphics Attribute data, no product structure Minimal linkage between data and graphics The beginning of the path AP 214 XML or TEXT New Ship Programs Today current implemented state of the art

5 5 STEP Shipbuilding APs Single STEP standard file Integrated product structure, graphics, and data Parameterized components Logical and geometric relationships Full Shipbuilding Exchange the long term solution

6 6 PLCS AP 214 STEP standard graphics STEP standard product structure STEP standard properties Linkage between product structure and graphics Potential state of the art achievable today Interim Approach the focus of this project; achievable today

7 7 Interim Approach What is it? AP203 or AP214 to define shape. 1234 111221223132414251 52 AP239 to define product structure and the relationships between objects.

8 8 Product Structure AP239 System Breakdown The Fuel Oil System is treated in AP239 as a PART. Each component in the system is treated in AP239 as a PART. Basically a system can be a part and a part can be a system. Systems and assemblies are fundamentally similar. They are an aggregation of parts.

9 9 System Connectivity AP239 Interface Connection A connector is associated to a PART. A connection is made by associating two connectors.

10 10 Title subtitle ISO-10303-21; HEADER; FILE_DESCRIPTION(('Description'),'2;1'); FILE_NAME('connectionExample2.p21','2007-07-22T22:48:56', ('someone'),(''),'', 'GraphicalInstance 1.0 Beta 5 []',''); FILE_SCHEMA(('AP239_PRODUCT_LIFE_CYCLE_SUPPORT_ARM_LF')); ENDSEC; /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* * * * * * * * EUROSTEP SOFTWARE PREVIEW * * * * * * */ /* THE DATA (OR ITS SYNTAX) CONTAINED IN THIS FILE */ /* MAY NOT BE VALID - BETA RELEASE */ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ DATA; /* Part that defines the system */ #55=PART('PR-1-1','Fuel Oil Fill System',$); #56=PART_VERSION($,$,#55); #57=PART_VIEW_DEFINITION($,$,$,$,(),#56); /* Hose Gate Valve */ #10=PART('P1','Hose Gate Valve','2-1/2" IPS Hose Gate Valve 150# WOG Flange FF'); #11=PART_VERSION('-',$,#10); #12=PART_VIEW_DEFINITION('001','Component from Library','$',$,(),#11); /* Flange */ #42=PART('P3','Flange','2 1/2" IPS 150# SO Flange FF'); #43=PART_VERSION($,$,#42); #44=PART_VIEW_DEFINITION($,$,$,$,(),#43); /* Fuel Oil Fill System Definition */ #58=BREAKDOWN_OF($,$,$,#54,#57); #54=SYSTEM_BREAKDOWN_VERSION($,$,#7); #7=SYSTEM_BREAKDOWN($,$,$); /* Hose Gate Valve as member of Fuel Oil Fill System */ #59=BREAKDOWN_CONTEXT($,$,$,#54,#5); #5=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT_DEFINITION($,$,$,$,(),#6); #6=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT_VERSION($,$,#2); #2=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT('1',$,$); #3=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT_REALIZATION($,$,$,#5,#12); /* Flange as member of Fuel Oil Fill System */ #61=BREAKDOWN_CONTEXT($,$,$,#54,#45); #45=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT_DEFINITION($,$,$,$,(),#47); #47=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT_VERSION($,$,#48); #48=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT('1',$,$); #46=BREAKDOWN_ELEMENT_REALIZATION($,$,$,#45,#44); /* Connection between hose gate valve and flange */ #66=INTERFACE_CONNECTION($,$,'bolted',#63,#64); #65=INTERFACE_CONNECTOR_DEFINITION($,$,'1/8" gasket,4 - 3/8 16UNC" x 2" bolt ',$,(),$,$); #64=INTERFACE_CONNECTOR_OCCURRENCE($,$,$,#65,#44); #63=INTERFACE_CONNECTOR_OCCURRENCE($,$,$,#65,#12); ENDSEC; END-ISO-10303-21;

11 11 Interim Approach Why do we need it? CAD vendors can deliver AP 214 software now. Shipyards can deliver 3-D AP 214 data to NAVSEA now JEDMICS is preparing to accept AP 214 3-D data for long-term DoD support AP 214 initiates a technical migration to more complex fully attributed 3- D ship geometry that will drive analysis, manufacturing, and support AP 214 defuses the shipyards comments that STEP data is too expensive to deliver AP 214 can provide needed 3-D information for part library/catalog items. NAVSEA intends to use AP 214 as a migration strategy to overcome technical, contractual, and cultural resistance

12 12 Interim Approach Remind me, why aren’t we using the Ship STEP AP’s? Name 2 commercial CAD systems that can process AP215, or AP216, or AP218, or AP227, or, …? The Ship STEP application protocols are relatively unstable; between AIM implementations, ARM implementations, varying degrees of interpreting the schema, each prototype has basically been developed to a different schema. NAVSEA has not really been adamant enough about the delivery of digital data, let alone the format of the digital data. The shipbuilders have never embraced Ship STEP application protocols to support interprocess communications within the enterprise. The shipbuilders have never demanded a Ship STEP translation capability from their product model vendors.

13 13 Title subtitle The first slide could be animated to better show need for interim approach: 1. Show current approach with only a few links, mixed mode: IGES, STEP, XML, TXT, … 2 Overlay with the STEP-shipbuilding to-be world – all links, using ship AP 3. Overlay with interim approach – all links, AP 214 and AP 239 Product Structure – bring in groups of object labeled by what they represent to the user – system, part, component, interface, connection Need slide talking about PLCS – use and promise of adoption, etc

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