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Plate Tectonics. Plate Boundaries Heat Transfer Three types…  Conduction  Radiation  Convection.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics. Plate Boundaries Heat Transfer Three types…  Conduction  Radiation  Convection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics

2 Plate Boundaries Heat Transfer Three types…  Conduction  Radiation  Convection

3 Heat transfer  Conduction – heat energy transfer between objects by direct contact; touching (solid)  Radiation – heat energy transfer through space (‘air’) ; in the form of ‘short waves’  Convection – heat energy transfer by movement within a ‘fluid’; circular movement of “convection currents”

4 Convection Currents

5 Convection Currents in the Mantle Convection Currents – within the asthenosphere (and perhaps the upper mantle), convection currents are the driving force of plate movement.

6 Forces between plates TTTTension – two plates pulling apart CCCCompression – two plates pressing into each other SSSShearing - two plates sliding/grinding past each other.

7 Plate Boundaries (divergent boundary) TENSION: Divergent boundary Two plates moving away from each other creating new crust  within oceanic area – sea floor spreading  within continental area – rift valley

8 Plate Boundaries TENSION: Divergent boundaries Within a continent – African Rift, aka Red Sea Within an ocean – Mid-Ocean Ridge

9 Progression of a Divergent Boundary

10 Plate Boundaries COMPRESSION: Convergent Boundary Convergent Boundary Two plates moving toward each other; the behavior/results depend on the type of crust…

11  Ocean – Continent convergent boundary – subduction zone (destruction of crust), volcanic mountain chain Plate Boundaries (convergent boundary)

12  Continent – Continent convergent boundary - construction (yes construction) of crust, mountains Plate Boundaries (convergent boundary)

13 India into Asia

14 Plate Boundaries (convergent boundary)  Ocean – Ocean convergent boundary – subduction zone, (destruction of crust), volcanic island arc



17 Plate Boundaries (Transform Boundary) Shearing - Transform boundary  Two plates sliding / grinding past each other

18 Plate Boundaries (Transform Boundary)

19 Most transform boundaries are associated with ‘fracture zones’ along the mid-ocean ridge

20 Convection Currents in the Mantle

21 Plate Boundaries (Transform Boundary)




25 Boundaries for lab

26 ~ THE END ~ Keep going…






32 Extra Credit Find a recent article relating to Earth Science and write a review & a reflection (3-5 paragraphs)… Sneak it to me at BEFORE I leave on March 6 th, 2013

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