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Detection of Routing Loops and Analysis of Its Causes Sue Moon Dept. of Computer Science KAIST Joint work with Urs Hengartner, Ashwin Sridharan, Richard.

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Presentation on theme: "Detection of Routing Loops and Analysis of Its Causes Sue Moon Dept. of Computer Science KAIST Joint work with Urs Hengartner, Ashwin Sridharan, Richard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detection of Routing Loops and Analysis of Its Causes Sue Moon Dept. of Computer Science KAIST Joint work with Urs Hengartner, Ashwin Sridharan, Richard Mortier, Christophe Diot

2 2 Link Utilization Internet backbone link Routing loop causes increase by 25%!

3 3 Overview  Routing protocols have much impact on the performance of the network  How do we detect them?  How often do loops occur?  How do they impact loss and delay?  Analyze causes of loops  What causes them?

4 4 Possible Causes of Routing Loops  Persistent routing loops  E.g., due to misconfiguration.  Loops can last hours if undetected.  Transient routing loops  Routing state is dynamic.  Inconsistencies in routing state can cause loops.  Inconsistencies should disappear within seconds/minutes.  Expectation: Loops last seconds/minutes.

5 5 How Can Transient Routing Loop Occur? R2 R3 R1

6 6 Detection of “Loops” in Packet Traces  Detect replicas in a packet trace  Packets with exact same header but for TTL,CRC  TTL difference: 2 or larger  Set of replicas = Packet Loop  Set of packet loops associated with a routing event = Routing Loop

7 7 Traces  Backbone traces  NYC and SJ links from Nov. 8 th, 2001  NYC links from Oct. 9 th, 2002

8 8 Packet Traces TraceLengthAvg BWPacketsLooped (hours)(Mbps) Total (10 6 ) Packets Backbone 1241504.839% Backbone 27.52431 6770.118% Backbone 3112.2201.687% Backbone 41110713500.026% …loops occur in bursts and can affect up to 25% of packets! On average, loops do not affect much traffic, but…

9 9 Observations about Packet Loops  General Observations  Loop size: # of nodes involved in packet loop  Number of replicas in packet loop  Properties of packet loops  Packet types  Duration  Of packet loops in packets

10 10 Loop Size Loop size: value by which TTL field in packet loops gets decremented. Figure 2

11 11 Packet Loop Length How often does a packet show up before it expires? Figure 3

12 12 Traffic Types  Different types of Internet traffic.  Routers are oblivious to type of traffic.  Expectation: Traffic types of packet loops streams are distributed similarly as traffic types of overall traffic.

13 13 Traffic Types (Backbone 2)  By protocol  TCP: 10% (93%)  UDP: 16% (6%)  ICMP 77% (0.3%)  TCP Flags  SYN: 51% (5%)  ACK: 73% (97%)  RST: 13% (1.5%)  FIN: 8% (4%)

14 14 Reasons for Increases  TCP SYN traffic.  TCP is connection oriented.  End point tries to open connection, sends SYN packet.  SYN packet loops and expires, no other packets are sent.  UDP traffic.  UDP is connectionless, no feedback from receiver.  Sending application is oblivious of loop.  ICMP traffic.  Caused by traceroute/ping applications.  People are exploring loop. Observations confirm presence of loops!

15 15 Out-Of-Order Delivery

16 16 Causes of Packet Loops: BGP customer AS 1 AS 2 A B C D

17 17 Matching BGP Updates  Any advertisement of the longest prefix?  Temporal vicinity of 2 minutes to packet loops?  Change in next hop or AS path?

18 18 Causes of Loops: ISIS R1 R3R2 R5R4 11 1 11 4

19 19 Time-Line at Nodes R2 and R3 R2R3 Failure Detection LSP generation Shortest Path Computation LSP Flooding FIB Update LSP Arrival Shortest Path Computation FIB Update

20 20 Matching ISIS Updates  Upon receipt of an LSP, compute the shortest path from the observation node to the egress router  If forwarding path changed and it is within temporal vicinity of loop  see if the observation node lies on the shortest path before or after the change

21 21 BGP Update Matches Trace% transient % persistent (BGP) % persistent (no BGP) Total NYC-2040.1050.890.8 NYC-2180.207.587.9 NYC-233.300 NYC-2218.8080.699.4 NYC-2470.000 NYC-2543.715.5059.2

22 22 Factors to Varying Success  Persistent Loops  Events occurred before trace collection  BGP changes external to Sprint  Comparison with RouteView updates: increase in matches  Geographical distribution of loop destinations  Measurement PoP not involved in route changes  Avg # of ASes traversed: longest for NYC-23

23 23 Conclusions  Loops can be detected and analyzed  Loops are not uncommon  Most are due to BGP updates  BGP changes farther away from the observations point may not be identified


25 25 CDF of Number of Replicas

26 26 CDF of Inter-Replica Spacing Time

27 27 Packet Types of All Traffic

28 28 Packet Types of Loops

29 29 Destination Addresses of Loops Backbone 1 Regional 2

30 30 CDF of Replica Stream Duration in Time

31 31 CDF of Routing Loop Duration in Time

32 32 Overview  Types and causes behind routing loops  Transient - part of normal routing protocol operation  Persistent - “long-lasting”, manual intervention required  Detection of routing loops in packet traces  Detection algorithm  Observations about the routing loops  Analysis of performance impact  Loss, delay, out-of-order delivery  On-line detection algorithm  Summary

33 33 Fraction of Packets in Loops Backbone 1 Backbone 4

34 34 Construction of a Typical End-To-End Path 10 hops in the Backbone DSL/LAN/Cable/Phone Regional to Backbone

35 35 Estimate of End-to-End Loss  Assume:  No loss on the access link due to routing loops  Losses are independence between links  Estimate:  L r : from Regional traces  L b : from Backbone traces but for Backbone 4  1 - (1- L r ) 2 (1- L b ) 10 = 0.003 ~ 0.025  Implications on SLA??

36 36 Delay Due to Routing Loops

37 37 Out-Of-Order Delivery

38 38 Causes of Loop

39 39 Overview  Types and causes behind routing loops  Transient - part of normal routing protocol operation  Persistent - “long-lasting”, manual intervention required  Detection of routing loops in packet traces  Detection algorithm  Observations about the routing loops  Analysis of performance impact  Loss, delay, out-of-order delivery  On-line detection algorithm  Summary & Future Work

40 40 To Detect a Loop On-line  Focus on persistent loops  Questions:  More focus on persistent loops  How much traffic is affected? -> alarm  What prefix is affected? -> warning

41 41 On-Line Detection Algorithm  How many packets to /24 get looped? 100  WARNING  How many looped packets / million? 5%  How long (in millions) did it last? 10 millions  ALARM  By the time an alarm is raised, warnings are raised and help debugging the system  Fixed memory and computation complexity

42 42 Validation of On-Line Algorithm

43 43 Summary  Impact of routing on performance has been analyzed in terms of loss and delay.  Per-link loss varies greatly.  Excluding “outliers”, end-to-end loss of 0.3% is unavoidable.  For a small number of packets that escape the loops, 50 ~ 500 msec delay is added on the average.  On-line detection algorithm  In conjunction with routing protocol monitoring, it will help detect and fix persistent loops.

44 44 Future Work  More work needed to determined causes behind routing loops  Correlate with BGP/IS-IS updates Address hijacking Wrong aggregation Origin misconfiguration Export misconfiguration  Integration with existing monitoring tools

45 Backup Slides

46 46 Superbowl Sunday, 2/3/2002

47 47 Superbowl Sunday, 2/3/2002

48 48 What Next?  Alarms and warnings  How to extract just enough info to be useful  How to relate it with BGP/IS-IS update info  How to integrate with management/monitoring infrastructure

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