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ALC 31 Hoy es jueves el 21 de noviembre. Please be sure to respond using the words that are bolded. (despues de = after, antes de = before) 1.¿Qué haces.

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Presentation on theme: "ALC 31 Hoy es jueves el 21 de noviembre. Please be sure to respond using the words that are bolded. (despues de = after, antes de = before) 1.¿Qué haces."— Presentation transcript:


2 ALC 31 Hoy es jueves el 21 de noviembre. Please be sure to respond using the words that are bolded. (despues de = after, antes de = before) 1.¿Qué haces después de ducharte? 2.¿Qué haces después de cepillarte los dientes? 3.¿Qué haces antes de vestirte? 4.¿Qué haces antes de dormirte? 5.¿Qué haces antes de ducharte?

3 Las respuestas 1.Después de ducharme yo me…. 2.Después de cepillarme los dientes yo me… 3.Antes de vestirme yo me… 4.Antes de dormirme yo me… 5.Antes de ducharme yo me…

4 Hoy es jueves el 21 de noviembre. Content objective What I will do. I can complete my interview review for the test. El objetivo del contenido. Yo puedo repasar para el examen.

5 La bienvenida Hoy es jueves el 21 de noviembre. Pasen con su compañero de levantarse. Usen las tarjetas de memoria para la bienvenida. ¿Cómo se dice levantarse en inglés? Escribe el tiempo en el cuadro levantarse y márcalo con un marcador.

6 Presentación de la Bienvenida Darica/Kaeloni Hoy es jueves el 21 de noviembre. Audience expectations: Watch presenters. Do not talk. Do not fidget. Applaud after presentation to show appreciation and a job well done. Presenter expectations. Speak loudly. Answer the questions in a full sentence. Speak clearly. ¿Cómo se dice to get up or to get out of bed en español?

7 Please turn in your partner clocks. Make sure all of your bienvenida times are highlighted. There should be 7 times. Please place the partner clock papers neatly and orderly on their corresponding number and color.

8 Pictionary How it is played One person from each team will be drawing the words or phrases shown on the screen. – Please do not think out loud to process what you have to draw. The other team members are to guess the word or phrase being drawn without resorting to cheating. If you are guessing, you are not to turn your head to see the screen.

9 How you get points. If one of your team members says the word or phrase exactly as it is shown on the screen before the next slide appears, then the person drawing makes a tally mark on the desk. At the end of the game you will need add your points and write your score on your white board.

10 What to do when the game is finished. Please wipe the smart pal clean of all marks. Place the cloth flat inside the open flap. Return the smart pal to the plastic box on top of the books. Get a sock from the basket by the pencil sharpener and wipe the points off the desk and then get the spray bottle off the table and spray the desk two times with the spray and wipe it dry.

11 Game set up Please set the desks up in the following formation. The person facing the screen needs to get a smart pal off the books. One desk for the drawer will face the screen. The other three desks will be in a line or semicircle facing the drawer. See below.

12 Practicar

13 el pelo y el champú Hair and shampoo.

14 Me levanto a las siete. I get up at seven.

15 Ella levanta el cepillo. She lifts the brush.

16 Artista #1

17 Dormirse To sleep

18 Lavarse el pelo To wash your hair

19 acostarse To lay down

20 El jabón

21 Artista #2

22 Despertarse To wake up

23 El champú shampoo

24 Cepillarse los dientes To brush your teeth

25 Ponerse la ropa To put on the clothes

26 Artists #3

27 Las uñas fingernails

28 Quitarse la ropa To take the clothes off

29 Cepillarse el pelo To brush your hair

30 maquillarse To put on make up

31 Artista #4

32 Agua caliente Hot water

33 bañarse To bathe

34 Vestirse To get dressed

35 Pintar las uñas To paint the fingernails

36 Artista #1

37 Me levanto de la cama. I get out of bed.

38 Levanto la cuchara. I raise (lift) the spoon.

39 Artista #2

40 Te cepillas los dientes You brush your teeth.

41 Cepillas los dientes los dientes del perro. You brush the dog’s teeth.

42 Each person needs to get a smart pal. You will need to write the answer to the question. The first group to show the correct answer on all of the smart pals will get the point.

43 Te bañas en el baño. You bathe in the bathroom.

44 Bañas al bebé. You bathe the baby.

45 Artista #4

46 Te lavas el pelo con champú. You wash your hair with shampoo.

47 Lavas el coche con jabón. You wash the car with soap.

48 Te duermes en la cama. You sleep in the bed.

49 El gato duerme en la cama. The cat sleeps in the bed.

50 Please do the following Clean off the smart pal. Wipe your desk off that had the points on it with the spray and a rag Place the microfiber cloth flat inside the plastic. Return the smart pal and the cloth neatly to where you got them from. Return the marker to the bag. Pick up a cross word off the table and work on it individually or with one other person.

51 FYI The crossword is due today.

52 Clean, caring and cooperative. 1.Clean up any paper off the floor and throw it away. 2.Use the spray bottle and rags on the table to clean the desks. 3.Carefully put up the desks and chairs. Move the desks 5 squares from the walls. 4.When the sweeper is done carefully move the desks back against the wall. 5.Thank you for being cooperative.

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