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Strategic Thinking for CFR B. Bruce Bare Acting Dean, Forest Resources September 26, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Thinking for CFR B. Bruce Bare Acting Dean, Forest Resources September 26, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Thinking for CFR B. Bruce Bare Acting Dean, Forest Resources September 26, 2001

2 2 Outline of Remarks  Share some thoughts about our College  Present plans and ideas for the coming year  Listen to your suggestions for improving the College

3 September 26, 2001 3 College Mission Statement  The College of Forest Resources is dedicated to generating and disseminating knowledge for the stewardship of natural and managed environments and the use of their products and services through teaching, research, and professional and public outreach

4 September 26, 2001 4 College Vision Statement  The College of Forest Resources will be preeminent in teaching and advancing the frontiers of knowledge in integrated resource stewardship and utilization in natural and managed environments

5 September 26, 2001 5 College Strategic Themes  Sustainable forest enterprises  Land and ecosystem management in an urbanizing world

6 September 26, 2001 6 Sustainability Is The Integrating Goal  Sustainable forestry : Managed and natural forests u Plantations, parks, reserves  Sustainable urban environments u Urban forestry, horticulture, restoration ecology  Sustainable forest enterprises u Paper mills, tourism, recycling, wood products

7 September 26, 2001 7 What Is Sustainability?  To manage (including restoring and preserving), and use the products and amenities of managed forests, natural wild lands, and urban and suburban environments so that they are maintained in a productive state over the long term

8 September 26, 2001 8 What Is Sustainability?  Rational and dynamic approach  Guarantees continuation of a set of activities, functions or processes over a long period of time  Uses interdisciplinary set of social, ecological and economic sciences

9 September 26, 2001 9 Action Item  Working with the CPC, by November 10, 2001 each center, cooperative and academic division within CFR is asked to complete a work plan  The work plan should clearly demonstrate how each of its activities supports the integrating vision of sustainability and the development goals (shown later).

10 September 26, 2001 10 College-Wide Management Tasks  Focus on -- Strategic thinking, and  Organizational culture

11 September 26, 2001 11 Strategic Thinking  All members of CFR community are asked to participate  Proposals regarding the future programmatic direction of each work unit should embrace our common mission, vision, goals, and themes

12 September 26, 2001 12 Action Item - Strategic Thinking  Specific strategic thinking activities underway u College Planning Committee  examine our planning process  help work units to complete annual work plans  refine College development goals and new initiatives  Help define CUH building program

13 September 26, 2001 13 Action Item - Strategic Thinking  President’s Charting Directions Committee  CFR Advisory Committee u broader representation u higher level participation

14 September 26, 2001 14 Organizational Culture  A change in our work place culture is needed  President McCormick has also brought this to our attention

15 September 26, 2001 15 Organizational Culture  All members of CFR community should embrace the personal characteristics of honesty, integrity, openness, fairness and inclusiveness in dealing with the College community  We need to improve our working environment so that all viewpoints are respected and tolerated

16 September 26, 2001 16 Organizational Culture  Professional diversity is a strength of our College  We can disagree on important professional matters  We can (must) debate these issues vigorously  But, we must do so in a civil and respectful manner

17 September 26, 2001 17 Organizational Culture  Once decisions are made we all need to join ranks and work towards common goals  Our future depends on changing our organizational culture  We can not achieve our strategic goals unless we simultaneously change our culture

18 September 26, 2001 18 Organizational Culture  Specific organizational culture activities underway u College Work Place Quality Committee  develop and implement programs and processes to improve work environment and levels of trust  reward individuals whose actions are for the common good

19 September 26, 2001 19 Organizational Culture  Organizational Review Team Report u College staff are starting a review and implementation of the recommendations contained in this report

20 September 26, 2001 20 Action Item - Organizational Culture  By November 30, 2001 each work unit identified in the ORT Report will report its findings and actions  By November 30, 2001 the Work Place Quality Committee will recommend a series of programs and processes to improve work environment

21 September 26, 2001 21 College Programmatic Initiatives  We need to ensure that our undergraduate programs relate to the key integrating theme of "sustainability”  A College-wide committee is being formed to design and implement a new BS program in Forest Environmental Science and Conservation (FESC)

22 September 26, 2001 22 College Programmatic Initiatives  FESC proposal will allow for two options: u 1) traditional four-year program leading to a BSF (or a new BS) degree u 2) an accelerated 4-1 program leading to a BS and an MS in Environmental Science

23 September 26, 2001 23 College Programmatic Initiatives  FESC will embrace both the existing SRS and CWR programs  Additional College majors will be reviewed early next year to insure that they are contributing to our vision of sustainability

24 September 26, 2001 24 College Programmatic Initiatives  In light of the destruction and rebuilding of Merrill Hall, we wish to re- examine the function of CUH  Provide a forum for a wide range of activities dealing with sustaining urban environments u urban ecology, wildlife, fisheries, urban forestry, gardens, horticulture, urban- rural interface issues, etc

25 September 26, 2001 25 College Programmatic Initiatives  Take steps to strengthen ties between FEE, PFC and other units u Broader College faculty involvement u Increase graduate student ties to PFC u Increase and broaden PFC support base through development u Strengthen the ecological component of FEE

26 September 26, 2001 26 College Development Plans  The University is gearing up for its capital campaign entitled, “Learning @ The Leading Edge“  The College’s development goals must be compatible with the themes of the University’s program

27 September 26, 2001 27 University Development Plans  Draft themes directly related to our College: u Preparing students for a changing world u Creating knowledge u Expanding educational opportunity u Improving lives: Knowledge in the service society

28 September 26, 2001 28 College Development Goals  We propose to focus on the issue of sustainability of urban and wild land environments

29 September 26, 2001 29 Specific College Development Goals  Enhance student learning opportunities  Promote faculty research and development activities  Improve College facilities and associated infrastructure  New programmatic initiatives to sustain urban and wild land environments

30 September 26, 2001 30 Specific College Development Goals  New programmatic initiatives will focus on: u sustaining and protecting forest resources u sustaining urban environments u sustaining forest enterprises u environmental and forest policy for sustainable environments

31 September 26, 2001 31 Rewards And Responsibilities  Examine and improve systems used for employee performance evaluations (both staff and faculty)  Want all work units to review how individual responsibilities are balanced with unit responsibilities

32 September 26, 2001 32 Rewards And Responsibilities  Want rewards to be based on performance at both the individual as well as collective levels

33 September 26, 2001 33 Conclusion  This concludes our brief outline of what lies before us over the next few months  We hope you all fully participate in each activity of interest or importance to you  We look forward to working with each of you towards this end

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