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CAMERON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY LIBRARY SERVICES Fall 2009Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-20101.

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1 CAMERON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY LIBRARY SERVICES Fall 2009Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-20101

2 Program actions since last assessment Goal 1: Maintain a collection that allows students, faculty, and staff to meet most of their information needs through library supplied materials. 1. Access to the library’s information sources has improved: a. implementation of WorldCat Local b. addition of WebBridge 2

3 Patron Use Trends Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 3 Patron Use Trends – Print/Electronic 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 2006- 2007 2007- 2008 2008- 2009 Online Database Searches 209,891288,341398,233469,038481,738550,725 Books Shelved and Borrowed 89,26065,87669,43780,03786,65757,813 Periodicals Shelved14,3209,7936,5266,1212,4551,004 Full-Text Articles Viewed 164,307 E-books viewed3,387

4 Program actions since last assessment presentation Goal 2: Improve students’ ability to locate information using the online catalog, periodical databases, and the internet, and evaluate information. a.Scores on the Basic Library Skills Test given in Comp I Information Literacy Classes continue to indicate a consistent improvement from pre test to post test. b.Librarians are assessing Blackboard students taking Comp I and Comp II. 4

5 Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 5 Basic Library Skills Test Fall 2005 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Pre-Test % of 10061.13%66.42%69.00%65.93%71.90%82.41%72%69% Post-test % of 10081.79%74.34%80.42%76.04%70.75%92.08%81%77% Students Assessedn/a 116567076 Blackboard Library Test Fall 2007 # of Students Spring 2008 # of Students Summer 2008 # of Students Fall 2008 # of Students Spring 2009 # of Students Summer 2009 # of Students Comp I Library Test Class Average91.12%884.62%1377.67%1584.49%1974.86%1184.74%10 Comp II Library Test Class Averagen/a1191.14%1489.65%1793.33%1279.82%1179.60%15 CJ Reporting Class Averagen/a 87%27n/a

6 c. Articles were the predominant resource cited in bibliographies analyzed. More than 50% of articles were authoritative. d. Students can be fooled by websites which represent themselves as periodical resources but are shallow and lack content. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 6

7 Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 7 Bibliographies ALL INCLUSIVEFall 2008 Spring 2009 Summe r 2009 FY 08- 09 MeanPercent # of Bibliographies02150 Total Citations011810 5.49 Journal Article Citations (total)05460 2.5443.26% Cited Books & E-Books owned by Cameron Library (total) 02620 1.2222.18% Cited Books not owned by Cameron0770 0.366.52% Cited journals (authoritative & non- authoritative) owned by Cameron Library 04870 2.2741.24% Cited authoritative journals owned by Cameron Library 02990 1.3925.32% Cited non-authoritative journals owned by Cameron Library 01880 0.8715.92% Cited journals not owned by Cameron Library 0590 0.275.00% Internet citations (total)02830 0.2423.96% Cited authoritative Internet source01700 0.1414.39% Cited non-authoritative Internet sources 01130 0.109.57% Other materials not owned (e.g. videos, software, interviews, etc.) 0250 0.022.12%

8 Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 8

9 Goal 3. Provide an environment conducive to research and study. a. A user survey was conducted in Spring, 2009. The 200 patrons responding rated CU Library at an overall satisfaction level of 4.2 out of 5. The full report is available on our website. b. Changes include: 1. Alteration of library space. a. Added more study rooms and created more study space. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 9

10 b. Added help desk on second floor. c. Moved Interlibrary Loan to second floor. d. Created a food and drink area. e. Added laptops, calculators and headphones for checkout. f. Installed security cameras. g. Improved outside lighting. h. Installed new carpet. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 10

11 Goal 3 Provide an environment conducive to research and study. (continued ) 2. Collections a. Moved reference material to circulating collection. b. Added over 9,000 books, e-books and Media items. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 11

12 Action plan Goal 1 (Collections) 1. Implement user survey to determine patrons’ satisfaction with collections. 2. Continue analyses of bibliographies to determine which collections are most heavily utilized. 3. Promote use of “Films on Demand” subscription if subscription lease is approved. 4. Purchase ebrary software to digitize archival material. 12

13 5. Purchase more Playaways and audit circulation thereof. 6. Maintain collection of textbooks; add textbooks as funds are made available. Goal 2 ( Instruction) 1. Publish handouts for new editions of MLA and APA manuals. 2. Design and offer a library component for University 101. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 13

14 Goal 2 ( Instruction) 3. Improve Comp I and Comp II instruction by focusing on information literacy skills. 4. Provide seminar/workshop on copyright and plagiarism. 5. Determine if tutorials from SAILS project are appropriate for Cameron users. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 14

15 Goal 3 (Service) 1 Investigate the use of an information KIOSK on the second floor. 2. Regularize library assistance on campus at a location other than the library. 3. Increase availability of second floor assistance. 4. Re-arrange stacks to better accommodate handicapped individuals. 5. Implement ebrary content hosting index for University Archives digital collection. 6. Organize HLC resource room materials as requested. Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 15

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