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MONXTON PARISH COUNCIL Agenda 17 th September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MONXTON PARISH COUNCIL Agenda 17 th September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONXTON PARISH COUNCIL Agenda 17 th September 2013

2 Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6 Planning 7. Reports: I. Environment & Footpaths II. Traffic III. Neighbourhood Watch IV. Planning 8. Monxton Web Site up-date 9. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 10. Correspondence 11. Date of the next meeting - 19th November 2013 12. Close of the meeting

3 Environment & Footpaths The Pillhill Brook Bridge at Upper Mill House Dam at the Monxton End of Pillhill Brook Thank you to Alan and Ros King Footpaths & Bridleways Letter received from Roland Colbourne re condition of Boat 11 on land at Manor Farm. Email received from Peter Derbyshire re condition of Boat 11 and Bridleway 7. Peter Watson, Senior Countryside Access Ranger, HCC was informed in July. The surface growth of Boat 11 was cut in August but he stated that Bridleway 7 was passable and suggested that the MPC include this bridleway in our request for action from the Countryside Service. JB will talk to Kurt Morton about any further issues. Hook Lane Bridleway (Boat ) is very overgrown, making it almost impassable for riders on horseback. JB to speak to Amport Parish Council, as shared responsibility for this bridleway. Potential Fracking in Hampshire

4 Neighbourhood Watch Report Reported Crime Crime reported to the Police locally over the past three months has been low and has been primarily non-dwelling. Reports have included sightings of suspicious vehicles, burglaries or attempted burglaries from garages, barns and outhouses, and criminal damage. In the latter category have been a number of instances of damage to parked vehicles, one suffered by a village resident, albeit not in Monxton. We now have a new PC to replace Roger Kitson, his name is Don Stubbington and he joins our PCSO David Trowbridge working from Stockbridge. Don is ex-Army, and since joining the Police has worked as a beat officer, firearms officer and in counter-terrorism. Crime Alerts Since taking over from Robert Davies three crime alerts have been issued: 14 th June – covering non-dwelling crime and advice on security of garages and outbuildings; 29 th July – advice on home security following opportunistic burglaries via open doors and windows; 7 th September – covering car park distraction, telephone and cold calling scams. Monxton Matters In addition to the hard copy distribution of the crime alerts by the Neighbourhood Watch team the last two alerts have been posted on Monxton Matters website. This gives valuable extra coverage and the electronic format allows the inclusion of links such as the one to Hampshire Constabulary’s CCTV site in the September alert.

5 Sunnybank 1. HCC (Pat West) was contacted to see if a grant could be obtained from HCC to provide a footpath from Red Post Bridge to Manor Farm (Barn) entrance. HCC (Pat West) advised it would not be possible to have a footpath that far into the village as most of the land is privately owned. HCC cut the grass from Lilac Cottage up to Red Post Bridge. There are however plans to put in a footpath from Red Post Bridge to Sunnybank. Dates to be advised. 2. Mrs Joan Snow, Manor Farm, was contacted to see if it would be possible to purchase a portion of land behind Sunnybank to provide a secure play area for children to play ball games etc. instead of playing in road and causing a nuisance and damage to vehicles. Mrs Joan Snow advised this was not on their agenda to sell off land. 3 Pat West as approached with regard to getting our bus service reinstated and using the money from the CO-OP fines to help with funding as this as it now takes 55 minutes to get to town as the bus only goes one way. Part of the journey brings it along Red Post Lane from Weyhill which MPC believes feel is totally inadequate and dangerous as the road is narrow and winding with blind bends. There have been several accidents on this stretch of road. Cllr Bateman was informed that this matter had already been investigated and was refused as it would cost too much. I feel that in light of the fact that the bus station is closed for a year for a rebuild at vast cost, this matter needs to be looked at again, especially as the new development at Picket Twenty has a bus service that needed a tunnel built for the exclusive use of walkers/cyclists and the bus service.

6 MPC Finances David Eaglesham will provide upon his return

7 Traffic Traffic steering committee formed following the AGM Members include: Cllr Sarah Dowding, Cllr Judith Balding, Sarah Moriniere, Cathy Barbone, Heidi Carre, Marcus Tebbutt-Ford, Pete Parfrey, Lorraine Pullen & Rupert Collingwood Brain-storm produced list of suggestions List prioritised by MPC List reviewed with TVBC and HCC Timescales agreed with TVBC and HCC Next steps will be to monitor items and implemented in a timely manner

8 Monxton Traffic Management Requirements

9 Portable Speed Sign Indicator Displays speeds of vehicles Records speeds and time Would be shared with 2 other parishes HCC (fines fund) would provide a £1,000 The balance would be split between 3 PCs approx £650/PC Annual costs split three ways is £260 to move between three agreed locations TBA

10 MPC Planning Matters Application for retrospective planning for the bridge at Upper Mill House, Ref 13/01556/FULLN Application for a temporary building at the Army HQ due in September Two storey office block Hard to see from the road No valid grounds for objections MPC will request the 200 employees use A303 not Monxton Road Alpine Group development at Manor Farm

11 Objection to the Old Bridge The bridge under consideration is more of a dam than a bridge as it only allows the passage of water at high water levels Application this section of the Pillhill Brook is described as an “overflow carrier’ and is in our view, not only incorrect but also inconsistent with the earlier Application (07/01498/FULLN), where the map of the Pillhill Brook, clearly shows the “mill race” and “main river channel” (Page 14). As the Riparian owners upstream of Upper Mill House, it is our understanding that this bridge clearly contravenes Riparian Law, which states that one of the Landowner’s responsibilities is “allowing the flow of water to pass without obstruction.” No Flood Defence Consent, under the Water Resources Act 1991, was applied for to erect a bridge. The Test Valley Local Plan states that, “Development likely to result in the loss, deterioration or harm to habitats or species of importance to biodiversity or of importance for geological conservation, either directly or indirectly, will not be permitted”. The Pillhill Brook is an important feature of both Monxton and Abbotts Ann and this fact is reflected in their Village Design Statements. “The Pillhill Brook is an important tributary of the rivers Anton and Test, and also part of the beautiful and valued chalk stream system of Hampshire. This system is vulnerable to change, and the environment of the Pillhill Brook and its associated water meadows represent an important open space that should be maintained and Abbotts Ann and the surrounding countryside are home to a number of species covered by the Hampshire Biodiversity Action Plan, including the skylark, brown hare, water vole, and red hemp nettle. The Hampshire and UK Biodiversity Action Plans seek to recognise that “Chalk streams are an important habitat in a national and international context. They are a key habitat in the UK Biodiversity Plan (BAP). Their inclusion in the Hampshire BAP is an acknowledgement of this importance and recognition of the fact that the county contains a number of major chalk streams.” The aim of these Action Plans is to reverse the loss and decline in quality and biodiversity of chalk stream habitat in Hampshire. The proposed bridge will not assist in the achievement of this objective in fact it merely exacerbates the situation.

12 Flooding in Monxton

13 Upper Mill Farm - Notch cut in the dam

14 HCC Objection to the Old Bridge Consultation on application 13/01556/FULLN. Hampshire County Council have a duty under Section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991 as amended by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to consent works such as a milldam, weir or likewise obstruction to an ordinary watercourse. This is a retrospective application for planning permission for a culverted access across the watercourse which also would have required Ordinary Watercourse Consent (from the Lead Local Flood Authority or prior to April 2012 the Environment Agency). As the structure has been installed already is constitutes a nuisance under Section 24 of the Land Drainage Act 1991. This section goes on to state that the drainage board may serve notice on the person with the power to remove the obstruction. With regards to the application, this structure would not receive consent for the following reason: · There is a presumption against culverting with in the Environment Agency Guidance as culverts can increase the risk of flooding and are poor structures with regards to biodiversity. · There is also no clear assessment of the structure’s impact on flooding in the local area. · No consideration by the applicant has been given to the impact of the Water Framework Directive or eel regulations of the ordinary watercourse across which the structure has been built. Hampshire County Council have concerns about the prevention of flow to parts of the watercourse by this access structure and the unconsented repairs to an alleged weir. This weir/dam structure, from a site visit on 28/08/13, prevents water flowing into the ordinary watercourse during times of low ground water levels. Hampshire County Council as Lead Local Flood authority would not consent this culverted access structure unless the requirement for a culverted access could be proven over a more ecologically sound structure such as a bridge. The culverted access would require a biodiversity and flood assessment showing minimal impacts of the structure on the ordinary watercourse. Tor Peebles Project Officer County Planning, Hampshire County Council,

15 Alpine Group development at Manor Farm Consultant appointed to manage the move to a new location and the proposed development at the site Five developers/builder have expressed interest in bidding for the development in the last few weeks Next step is to select the best company with which to partner MPC and AAPC will meet with the consultant within the next month to help steer the development and ensure it is within the parameters already agreed

16 Monks Foyle’sWall (Before)

17 Repairs to Monks Foyle’s (Mr Pass) Wall (After)

18 Planned Works by Alpine to Old Hoyles (Mrs & Mrs Harris)

19 Damage to Thatch - The Stables

20 Website Report

21 Website Visits JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov Total Monthly Hits 94348233313182732185517276392615239 Average per Day 101281059107178895864

22 Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests 3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6 Planning 7. Reports: I. Environment & Footpaths II. Traffic III. Neighbourhood Watch IV. Planning 8. Monxton Web Site up-date 9. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 10. Correspondence 11. Date of the next meeting - 19th November 2013 12. Close of the meeting

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