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FY 15 Student Support Services Budget Request Christine Brumbach Mary Lammi Cathy Heller Paul Tzovolos December 17, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 15 Student Support Services Budget Request Christine Brumbach Mary Lammi Cathy Heller Paul Tzovolos December 17, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 15 Student Support Services Budget Request Christine Brumbach Mary Lammi Cathy Heller Paul Tzovolos December 17, 2013

2 Agenda 1.Progress on Special Education Re-organization Activities 2.Special Education Services 3.Translation and Interpretation Services 4.Health Services 5.Guidance Services 6.Summary

3 Successes of the Re-organization Preschool to post-grad specialized programs established and effective Numbers of children in special education stabilized over last two years Out of District and Extended School Year administration improves effectiveness and efficiency of those programs Parents, principals and Coordinators report improved services at schools

4 Build In-District Programs

5 Increase Effectiveness of Programs

6 Improve Responsiveness in Schools

7 Train Staff in Both Content and Teaching Strategies

8 Improve Partnerships with Parents

9 Special Education Services Translation and Interpretation Health Services Guidance Services

10 Special Education Critical Issues Increased student, staff and parent needs at the preschool and early childhood levels Young children with medical, physical and other intensive needs requiring specialized services Secondary enrollment increasing Increased number of students with autism spectrum disorders Meeting regulatory compliance and parent needs at Newman and Pollard

11 Expand Preschool and Newman Programming Preschool TA’s, Program Asst. and Teacher 24,081.3 Psychologist 16,500.3 Sp. Ed. Coord (.1 Adm/.2 Tchr) 31,825 TOTAL $72,406 Improve Programming for Children with Autism Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia 11,700

12 Expand Middle School Programming 2.0 Sp. Ed. Liaisons 110,000 1.0 Gr. 8 TA 22,019.3 High Rock Sp. Ed. Reading Teacher 18,487 TOTAL $150,506 Expand High School Programming 1.0 Skills Center Liaison 55,000

13 OOD Tuition (423,983) Special Ed. Transportation 0 Extended School Year 0 Medical Therapeutic Contractual 0 TOTAL (423,983) TOTAL SPECIAL ED. REQUEST $224,613

14 Translation/Interpretation Critical Issues Increased numbers of families who require translated documents Currently providing services in 11 languages ELL Teachers are critically important to identification and compliance Translation and Interpretation Services $10,000

15 Health Services Critical Issues.1 Incr. Nursing at Preschool/Newman 8,537 AED Maintenance and Service 1,196 Web-based Health Office software 10,425 TOTAL 20,158

16 Guidance Critical Issues Increased elementary guidance demands Increased numbers of students requiring case coordination.3 Hillside Guidance Counselor 16,500

17 Summary Specialized Programs are established Preschool through Post-grad and are providing high quality in- district education for our Needham children, but require continued support services to maintain quality of care Secondary enrollment increases continue to drive the budget requests for special education Young students with intensive needs will continue to require investment in preschool and other specialized programs, staff and equipment to meet their needs Circuit Breaker budgeted at 70% reimbursement for FY15 plus OOD changes result in savings in OOD tuition


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