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Welcome: Let’s Self Assess Right now at this moment, rate yourselves: How comfortable/familiar are you with Math Investigations? Not at all Somewhat Very.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome: Let’s Self Assess Right now at this moment, rate yourselves: How comfortable/familiar are you with Math Investigations? Not at all Somewhat Very."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome: Let’s Self Assess Right now at this moment, rate yourselves: How comfortable/familiar are you with Math Investigations? Not at all Somewhat Very Familiar Familiar Please place a sticky note on the number line of how comfortable you are with Math Investigations. 0510



4 LET’S TALK  Introductions  Amy Ebert at Harrisburg Elementary  Becky Rice at A.T. Allen Elementary  Talk at your tables:  Who you are  Share positive experiences you’ve had with Math Investigations this year

5 Agenda  Intro  Warm Up – Classroom Routine activity  Looking Closer at the Lessons  Break  Curriculum Map Alignment & Planning  Access Codes  Exit Slips

6 Classroom Routines Activity  Start With/Get To: Forward or Backward?  Unit 6: Session 1.5  Model  Start With/Get To Start With/Get To  Let’s Talk About It…  When can we use it? (spiral review, lesson warm-up)  How do we use it?  Where do we find it? Beige box in Teacher Manual throughout Investigations unit planners and sessions Interactive Whiteboard – online access

7 Layout of Investigations Units/Sessions  Unit 6 Investigation 1— Combinations of 10  Planner – pages 22-25 Classroom Routines – Beige box (p. 50) May occur outside your math block; Could be used as a transition.  Activity (aka – Mini lesson/Opening) Game, small group instruction, guided instruction, student tasks Blue text: discuss ideas Orange text: supporting the range of learners Differentiation & Intervention Guide gives more in-depth explanation Guide provides mini-quiz at the beginning of each Investigation session May use guide as extra practice or as pre-/formative assessment Red text: on-going assessment; observing students at work This tells you what to look as students are working Don’t always have to create something for students Highlights of student talking points “Students might say…”

8 Layout of Investigations Units/Sessions (continued)  Unit 6 Investigation 1— Combinations of 10 (continued)  Resources – black activity pages in the margins Spinner = recording sheet for activity w/o icon = game pieces/cards or game boards  Student Activity Books – blue activity pages in the margins Helpful Codes: Backpack = homework page Pencil = practice page Blank (w/o icon) = teacher choice of use; extra practice  Discussion (aka The Closing) Don’t skip this part! Very important…often these get to the big ideas about the lesson. A time for highlighting student’s work and sharing ideas

9 Implementation Guide  All Classroom Routines are there with extensions  Teacher notes referenced in lessons are in this guide  Provides ideas for setting up classroom for Math Investigations  The only place to find a Scope & Sequence for all grade levels  The only location of an index for all Investigations materials

10 Let’s take a break!  We’ll meet back and continue in ten minutes.

11 Curriculum Map Alignment  Take a look at the First Grade Math Curriculum Map  Curriculum Map Curriculum Map  Always use this to guide your instruction  Students will be able to do… Use these to concepts to plan and guide your lesson

12 How do we align Investigations materials with our CCS Curriculum Maps?  Let’s look at what the “Student will be able to do…” from the CCS Curriculum Map.  Add or subtract to find the missing number  Count on when adding  Count backwards when subtracting  Relate addition and subtraction  Use fact families to add or subtract  Use known strategies and skills to solve problems  Decompose whole numbers to make a ten  Task:  Each table will be select a specific objective beneficial to their own team’s planning.  Look through Sessions 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.3, and align materials and activities to that specific objective.

13 Planning Materials  Where to start?  Look at the Common Core insert guide for each unit & investigation What activities align with student objectives from CCS Curriculum Map?  Looking across Sessions 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.3 Consider the math focus points What is it that I want my students to understand?  Determine and consider…  What do I need to gather and/or prepare? Look at the unit planners at beginning of Investigation 1 & 2 Do I need student activity pages, game boards, manipulatives, etc?

14 Assessment  Back to curriculum map  Pre-assessment  Summative Assessments  Session quizzes from D&I Guide  Be cautious about using the Investigations End of Unit assessments – have you taught everything that is assessed in that unit?

15 How to access online materials   Register as a new user – if you do not already have an account.  Click on your name in the top right hand corner My account Manage Products Add New Products Type in access code Click Save

16 Thank you for coming  Exit Slip  Check your email and complete the survey sent to you from Tara Nattress

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