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1. Objective (READ) - H SWBAT determine whether the rainforest should be preserved or economically developed. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Objective (READ) - H SWBAT determine whether the rainforest should be preserved or economically developed. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Objective (READ) - H SWBAT determine whether the rainforest should be preserved or economically developed. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. How would you address Brazil’s population problems and overcrowded cities if you were the President? 2. True/False – The rainforest is a fragile ecosystem that can not be replaced once it is destroyed.

2 1. Objective (READ) - L SWBAT determine whether the rainforest should be preserved or economically developed. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. Draw a picture of the rainforest. 2. True/False – The rainforest is a fragile ecosystem that can not be replaced once it is destroyed.

3 1. Objective (READ) – Day 2 SWBAT determine whether the rainforest should be preserved or economically developed. 2. Question of the Day. (WRITE SAME AS YESTERDAY) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. What natural resources can be found in the rainforest? 2. How would you solve this problem with Amazon rainforest?

4 Rubric 1. Power point – 40 points Accuracy = 30 (get yours approved)  all facts are accurate, everything required is there Appearance = 10  Picture represents most important reasons, uses color appropriately, spelling/grammar is good

5 2. Presentation – 30 points Accuracy – 10  all facts are accurate, able to respond to questions correctly and effectively Delivery – 10  loud enough, persuasive for judges, does not use slang/poor grammar Participation – 10  everyone is involved and has a role in the presentation

6 3. Audience Participation – 30 points - Accuracy and completion – 30

7 Rainforest – Final Decision Presentation

8 Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # **LATIN AMERICA** 1/5Cover Page48 1/6Vertical Climate Zones49 1/7Deforestation50 1/11Rainforest Project – Audience Participation 51 1. Create a new page called “Rainforest Project – Audience Participation”

9 Job/GroupOpinionReasonReason Type Environment- alists Government Officials Native Peoples Ranchers and Farmers Loggers Rubber Tappers Research Scientists Preserve or Develop E, S, P, or N Directions: - Opinion Column = how the group feels about the rainforest - Reason Column = why they feel that way - Reason Type Column = Is there reasoning economic, social, political, or environmental….or a combination of the four.

10 JobOpinionBest Reason Preserve or Develop Directions: - Job = write the group’s name (example: Loggers) - Opinion Column = how the group feels about the rainforest - Best Reason Column = the group’s best argument

11 JobOpinionBest Reason Preserve or Develop

12 Presentation Procedures Citizens 1. Silent - Make sure you are silent during their presentation, we have to hear them so you can complete your sheet and I have to give them a grade. 2. AP Sheet - Don’t forget your audience participation sheet – it is 30 percent of your grade Judges 1. Hands - Raise your hand to ask a question after the presentation is done. 2. Decision - Base your decisions on your audience participation sheet on the group’s project: What did they convince you to do? 3. Questions - Judges must ask at least one question to receive credit.

13 Presentation Procedures Remember: 1. If the President raises his hand, he must speak. 2. Attack the idea, not the person. 3. You can support the group, it doesn’t have to be an interrogation. 4. Extra credit is awarded for positive contributions to the discussion.

14 The signal to be silent – when you see this me do this, citizens get silent and the presentation will begin shortly after.

15 Additional Professionals Citizens 1. Cops - we need some cops to make sure that citizens nearby are silent during the presentations. 2. Criminals – we need some illegal loggers

16 Rainforest – Conclusion Questions Answer the questions below as if you are a logger, government official, or yourself. 1. Which is more important, having a job or curing diseases like cancer or AIDS? 2. Explain why. 3. Which is more important, reducing global warming or helping your family increase its standard of living? 4. Explain why. While you are completing this, I will check your audience participation sheets and maps.

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