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Today’s Theme is… RigorRelevance Relationships. Look into the future through the eyes of a child?

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Theme is… RigorRelevance Relationships. Look into the future through the eyes of a child?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Theme is… RigorRelevance Relationships

2 Look into the future through the eyes of a child?

3 Rigor/Relevance Framework Developed by: International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.


5 Assimilation of knowledge Acquisition Bloom’s Thinking Continuum ProvidesRigor

6 6.Creating 5.Evaluating 4.Analyzing 3.Applying 2.Understanding 1.Remembering Bloom’s Thinking Continuum

7 Acquisition of knowledge Application Application Model Provides Application Model Provides Relevance

8 Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations

9 Blooms/ Blooms/Application Model Bloom’s Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Application Knowledge in one discipline Application within discipline Application across disciplines Application in real-world predictable situations Application in real-world unpredictable situations

10 12345 Application Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rigor/ Rigor/Relevance Framework

11 Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 3 2 1 Bloom’s Application

12 KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C AcquisitionApplication AdaptationAssimilation Rigor/ Rigor/Relevance Framework

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 12345 A B D C Express probabilities as fractions, percents, or decimals. Classify triangles according to angle size and/or length of sides. Calculate volume of simple three- dimensional shapes. Given the coordinates of a quadrilateral, plot the quadrilateral on a grid. Analyze the graphs of the perimeters and areas of squares having different-length sides. Determine the largest rectangular area for a fixed perimeter. Identify coordinates for ordered pairs that satisfy an algebraic relation or function. Determine and justify the similarity or congruence for two geometric shapes. Obtain historical data about local weather to predict the chance of snow, rain, or sun during year. Test consumer products and illustrate the data graphically. Plan a large school event and calculate resources (food, decorations, etc.) you need to organize and hold this event. Make a scale drawing of the classroom on grid paper, each group using a different scale. Calculate percentages of advertising in a newspaper. Tour the school building and identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines, planes, and angles. Determine the median and mode of real data displayed in a histogram Organize and display collected data, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs.

14 Quadrant A Read a science experiment and identify the necessary materials to perform the experiment

15 Quadrant B Read and follow directions for experiment on DNA extraction

16 Quadrant C Read and analyze a biotech editorial for scientific accuracy

17 Quadrant D Using your research, debate a proposal related to genetic engineering with community leaders as judges

18 Map Skills 1 Label symbols on a map 2 Use map in class to locate state capitals 3 Calculate mileage between cities 4 Plan a trip via the shortest route 5 Find a way home if you are lost

19 KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework Activities Projects Problems

20 Now It Is Your Turn At your table, create 4 activities/strategies for each quadrant. You will have 16 strategies in all.

21 Types of Assessment  Multiple Choice  Constructed Response  Extended Response  Process Performance  Product Performance  Portfolio  Interview  Self Reflection Rigorous and Relevant Instruction But that’s another course….

22 Relationships Rule Describe a relationship with a student that has had a significant positive influence on that student.

23 Obedient (rules) vs. Motivated (relationship) Rules without Relationships = Rebellion

24 Relationships Enhance academics Positive emotions foster a sense of concern and cooperation Communicate an appropriate level of guidance and control Maintain high expectations for all students Honor student interests

25 Student Survey Percentages Survey Statement TotalMaleFemale At school I am encouraged to be creative 58.856.461.3 My classes help me understand what is happening in my everyday life 39.839.340.9 I learn new things that are interesting to me at school 66.363.869.9

26 Student Survey Percentages Survey Statement TotalMaleFemale School is a welcoming and friendly place 62.862.963.0 Teachers care about my problems and feelings 45.643.548.3 I am proud of my school48.847.850.8

27 Student Survey Percentages Survey Statement TotalMaleFemale Teachers care about me as an individual Teachers care if I am absent from school 49.547.752.1

28 Keep your reading in mind: You have been chosen to mentor two new teachers. After observing each for one week, you notice that Waldo will not smile or play with his students for fear of losing control. On the flip side, Esmeralda just wants to laugh, play, and be a friend to all her students. How do you counsel both on the best way to make and maintain appropriate student relationships?

29 Jonathan Winters I couldn’t wait for success… So I went on without it.

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