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1 Extra-Ordinary General Assembly 29 March 2015 FIM AFRICA.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Extra-Ordinary General Assembly 29 March 2015 FIM AFRICA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Extra-Ordinary General Assembly 29 March 2015 FIM AFRICA

2 1)Algeria (FASM) 2)Botswana (BMS) 3)Egypt (ATCE) 4)Kenya (KMSF) 5)Libya (LMF) 6)Madagascar (FMM) 7)Morocco (FRMM) 8)Namibia (NMSF) 9)South Africa (MSA) 10)Tunisia (FTM) 11)Uganda (FMCU) 12)Zambia (ZMSA) 13)Zimbabwe (ZMSF) FIM Africa Members 2

3 Members with Voting Rights 1)Algeria (FASM) 2)Botswana (BMS) 3)Egypt (ATCE) 4)Kenya (KMSF) 5)Libya (LMF) 6)Madagascar (FMM) 7)Morocco (FRMM) 8)Namibia (NMSF) 9)South Africa (MSA) 10)Tunisia (FTM) 11)Zambia (ZMSA) 12)Zimbabwe (ZMSF ) 3

4 Quorum for Meetings Art. 13.4 of FIM AFRICA Statutes: “The quorum at a General Assembly (or Extra-Ordinary General Assembly) shall be at least one half plus one of the FMNs with the right to vote, being present” Quorum required: 7 FMNs with voting right being present (50% of 12 FMNs + 1) 4

5 Roll Call of FMNs 1)Algeria (FASM) 2)Botswana (BMS) 3)Egypt (ATCE) 4)Kenya (KMSF) 5)Libya (LMF) 6)Madagascar (FMM) 7)Morocco (FRMM) 8)Namibia (NMSF) 9)South Africa (MSA) 10)Tunisia (FTM) 11)Zambia (ZMSA) 12)Zimbabwe (ZMSF) 5

6 Conflict of Interest 6

7 2014 Financials/Audited Financial s Total Revenue: $163,398  FIM Funding(excluding CMRF Grants): $79,729  FIM CMRF Grants : $68,341 (91%)  Direct Revenue $15,328 (licences, events, interest, promotional items) (9%) 7

8 2014 Financials/Audited Financials Total Expenses excl. CMRF Projects : $106,462  Congress Expenses: $36,290 (34%)  Rider Travel Grants: $25,986 (24%)  Events (FMNR,Officials,trophies) $10,647 (10%)  Flags, banners, promo items, website, gen.exp. $10,724 (10%)  Seminars,Council meets.,S&T,translation $ 8,042 (8%)  Admininistrative costs $14,773 (14%) (audit fee,bank charges, forex losses,printing/stationery, postage and courier, secretarial fees) FIM CMRF Projects- $65,144 8

9 2015 Budget – Revenue  FIM administrative subsidy $76,250  FIM membership fees surrendered by FIM $ 8,500  Gen.Revenue (licences,permits,flags) $12,820 Total Revenue excl. CMRF Grants : $97,570 CMRF Grants – past & current - $49,110 9

10 205 Budget – Expenses  Annual Congress$20,000  Council Meeting expenses$ 4,080  Seminars, Event Expenses (officials, FMNR)$ 6,650  MXoAN Rider Travel allowance$15,000  XCoAN Rider Travel allowance$ 5,500  Administrative costs$23,910  Financial Costs$ 1,600 Total Expenditure excluding CMRF Grants : $76,740 (excl. cost of Extra-Ordinary General Assembly) CMRF Grants – past and present : $67,510 (CMRF Grants – past & present - $67,510) 10

11 Decreasing Expenditure Urgent Review of Statutes  Compliance with FIM Statutes and removal/amendment of outdated articles, review of internal structure(s)  Current number of delegates and Commissions compared to 1999  General Assembly attendance – criteria for accommodation & travel payments of delegates  Number of members per Commission  Decreasing number of days of GA (agreed to at 2014 GA) 11

12 Decreasing Expenditure Urgent Review of By-Laws  Evaluate all current championships and criteria  Set ceiling for number of seminars per annum and train experienced officials to conduct seminars in own/neighbouring countries  FIM AFRICA appointed Officials to be from neighbouring country (travel costs) 12

13 Decreasing Expenditure Urgent Review of Fees & Allowance Schedule  Number of Classes (MX and Cross Country) compared to 2008 (Rider Travel Allowances)  Clearly define criteria (including in Statutes) of “active delegates and FMNs”  Consider initial proposed amendments tabled and approved at 23 February Council meeting 13

14 Elections  Procedure  Ballot Form  Appointment of Independent Scrutineers  Voting  Counting/verification of votes 14

15 Elections  Announcement of results (destroy ballot papers)  Handing over of Presidency 15

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