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Vlissingen Overseas Competition Introduction Goals: Student’s needs Exchange culture Discovery Vlissingen 1.01: Maritime history.

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2 Vlissingen Overseas Competition

3 Introduction Goals: Student’s needs Exchange culture Discovery Vlissingen 1.01: Maritime history

4 Product Adventure Game: Cross-culture collaboration Friendship Knowledge Discovery

5 Specifics Cross-cultural groups Places represent countries Physical tasks Clues for the next place  Get the passport stamped!

6 Example Turn 1 “In this circular patch of greenery. We come together to celebrate “Holi” scenery”  Ringburgwal Holi festival of colors- task: painting VOC flags

7 Example Turn 2 “In this MuSEAum your kind of history takes place. After this task you can carry on with the race.”  Maritime Museum Koekhappen- task: Guide your team member

8 Example Turn 3 “You go this place to blow off steam. You can use it to make a Chinese dish as a team.”  Thermal Park Chinese dish- task: Steam and enjoy dumplings

9 Further Development: Involving Locals Expand to other universities

10 Thank you for listening. Questions?

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