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The Poison Mushroom. Hunting mushrooms in a forest a mother tells her son Franz - “Among mushrooms, as with humans, one must be able to tell the good.

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Presentation on theme: "The Poison Mushroom. Hunting mushrooms in a forest a mother tells her son Franz - “Among mushrooms, as with humans, one must be able to tell the good."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Poison Mushroom

2 Hunting mushrooms in a forest a mother tells her son Franz - “Among mushrooms, as with humans, one must be able to tell the good ones from poison ones, and it is also often difficult to recognize Jews as swindlers and criminals.”

3 Seventh grade teacher Mr. Birkmann listens as the boys in his class explain how they recognize Jews. Little Karl Scholz says - "The Jewish nose bows near the end like the number six."

4 A boy Fritz, observing three traveling Jews in the center of a small town says to his companion Karl - "Just look at these guys! The lousy beards! The filthy, protruding ears...."

5 A Rabbi instructing 13 year old Sally Blumenstock tells him - “It is written in the Talmud that: ‘Only Jews are human beings. Non-Jews are not people but are to be regarded as beasts. And because we regard non-Jews as beasts we call them Goy.”

6 BdM girls Anni and Grete observe converted Jew, department store owner Vielchenblau and his wife Rebekka leaving a church. Grete says - “He is still a Jew despite being baptized....”

7 Observing the Jew Rosenfeld demanding money from farmer Heiner and his wife, little Paul in an adjacent field with his father cutting hay says- “When I have a farm no Jew will ever enter my house.”

8 Jewish cloth seller Samuel Levy attempts to interest a farmer’s wife in his wares saying- “Lady, today I have something very special. Look at this fabric! From this my little farmer wife, you can have garments like those seen on a baroness, a princess or a queen....”

9 Small children Hans and his sister Else are confronted by an elderly Jew offering candy who says - "Here, kids, have some sweets! But both of you must come with me..."

10 "Just look at that guy! The filthy, protruding ears..."

11 Twenty-three year old Rosa arrives in an unfamiliar railway station. She muses “In the station a man waited for me. He doffed his hat and was very friendly to me. But at the same time I realized he was a Jew....”

12 After taking money to represent both Frau Kraus and Frau Eckert, two Jewish lawyers converse outside the court “Well, colleague Mr. Morgenthau, the two of us have always made good business. Marvelous, colleague Mr. Silberstein! Now we have gotten the Goy women to bring us their beautiful money which we can put in our bag.”

13 Kurt and Otto watch through a window as four Jews slaughter an animal “The animal is thrown to the floor. It is a slow death. The Jews then stand around, laughing.”

14 “When you see a crucifix, think about the horrible murder committed by the Jews at Calvary...”

15 A Jew sits atop a bag of money in front of the Stock Exchange - “The God of the Jews is money, and for money they will commit the greatest crimes. A Jew won’t rest until he can sit on a huge money bag as King of Money.”

16 Georg Hartmann decided to become a Nazi when he heard a Jew yell - “We don’t give a hoot about Germany. The main thing is that things go well for us.”

17 A Jew, Salomon, is talking to other men in a bar says- “They always say about us Jews that we cheat other people through lies and fraud. Not a word of it is true. We Jews are the most respectable of people.”

18 Young Hitler Youth members look at a poster with a picture of Julius Streicher above his motto: The Jews are our Misfortune- “He who battles the Jews finds himself in a wrestling match with the devil.” A quote from Julius Streicher, owner of Der Stürmer

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