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Arts Education GTN Webinar December 2, 2014 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Arts Education GTN Webinar December 2, 2014 3:30 – 4:30 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts Education GTN Webinar December 2, 2014 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

2 TIPS Question box – Participants will be muted during the webinar unless presenting – Please use the question box Questions/Answers – Monitored and answered in question box and/or at the end of webinar Follow-up – Presenters online at conclusion of webinar – Email/phone – Presentation posted on Website

3 Vision for Arts Education In today’s globally competitive world, innovative thinking and creativity are essential for all school children. High quality, standards-based instruction in the arts develops these skills and effectively engages, retains, and prepares future-ready students for graduation and success in an entrepreneurial economy. Dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts, taught by licensed arts educators and integrated throughout the curriculum, are critical to North Carolina’s 21st century education.

4 NCDPI Arts Education Reviewers for GTN Christie Lynch Ebert (1 st Wife, Gov. Ellis) Section Chief, K-12 Program Areas Arts Education (Dance and Music) and NCDPI Liaison to the A+ Schools Program 919-807-3856 Slater M. Mapp (Gov. Tryon) Arts Education Consultant (Theatre Arts and Visual Arts) 919-807-3758

5 Session Objectives By the end of this session, and in order to facilitate our work, I will be able to: – Understand the role and the expectations, including the timeline and deliverables as a GTN participant – Ask questions about GTN

6 Open Class *Sign in using your GTN gmail account

7 Policy and Legislation Basic Education Program (§ 115C-81) The NC Standard Course of Study

8 NC Standard Course of Study (NCSCS) English Language Arts * Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Mathematics North Carolina Essential Standards Arts Education *English Language Development *Guidance Healthful Living *Information and Technology Science Social Studies World Languages * Literacy Standards, English Language Development, Guidance, and Information & Technology Essential Standards are delivered through ALL content areas.

9 Strands

10 Essential Standards Components Strands: Organization Common threads of understanding [ES] - Essential Standards (<10) [COs] - Clarifying Objectives (approximately 2-5 per ES) Learning Sequence: K-8 Grade Levels HS Proficiency Levels Organized to embed multiple entry points

11 Decoding Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives 4.ML.1 Apply the elements of music and musical techniques in order to sing and play music with accuracy and expression. 4.ML.1.1 Apply expressive qualities when singing or playing a varied repertoire of music representing genres and styles from diverse cultures. 4.ML.1.2 Execute the performance of vocal ostinatos, partner songs, counter- melodies, and rounds in two or more parts. 4.ML.1.3 Use voice and/or instruments to execute melodic movement through pentatonic melodies on the treble staff. Grade Level (4) Strand (ML = Music Literacy) Essential Standard (1) Clarifying Objective (3) Musical Literacy

12 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Provides the framework used for all NC Essential Standards Common language used for all Essential Standards Two-Dimensional: Cognitive Process and Knowledge Dimension Image Citation 12

13 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

14 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Name a character from television, movies, books, or video games who would embody these verbs….

15 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Name a character from television, movies, books, or video games who would embody the verbs….

16 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

17 Apply Let’s practice making paper cranes. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create

18 Create How can we put these individual paper cranes together to create a kind of unified sculpture about peace that no one has seen before? Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create

19 Evaluate Critique the performance Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create

20 Understand Explain how the major technical elements are used to enhance the production. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create

21 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy How were the elements of music used to make this piece interesting?

22 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Identify whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth notes....

23 Cognitive Processes Sub-verbs Assessment Examples

24 Remember- Retrieve relevant knowledge from long- term memory. ●Recognize ●Identify ●Retrieve ●Recall Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

25 “The Marilyn Diptych” was created in: A.1832 B.1922 C.1962 D.2012 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

26 Understand- Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication. ●Interpret ●Exemplify ●Summarize ●Infer ●Compare ●Explain Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

27 What is the painting about? What does it remind you of? What do you wonder about? What is the story? What does it mean? Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

28 Classify this random group of prints based on the printing processes intaglio, woodblock, and screenprint.

29 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy How are these two images similar? How are they different?

30 Apply- Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation. ●Execute ●Implement ●Carry out ●Use Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

31 Use your pencil, pen or marker to create a value study in 7 boxes starting with white on the left and proceeding gradually and evenly to black on the right. You may use any kind of marking technique including, shading, cross hatching, random marks, or stippling. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

32 Analyze- Break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose. ●Differentiate ●Organize Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

33 How did Picasso use black and white in this painting to create a mood of sadness and to document a tragic event?

34 Evaluate- Make judgments based on criteria and standards. ●Critique ●Judge Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

35 Which of these works of art uses color best to create a sense of happiness?

36 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Which of these works of art best draws the viewers attention to the princess?

37 Create- Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure. ●Generate ●Hypothesize ●Plan ●Design ●Produce ●Construct Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

38 1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Analyze 5.Evaluate 6.Create Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Compose an original piece that is 8 measures long using whole, half, quarter…..

39 Assessments at a Glance Formative – Promotes student learning – Occurs during instruction – Not graded – Process – Descriptive feedback – Continuous Summative – Helps determine how much learning has taken place – Occurs at the end of an instructional unit – Graded – Product – Evaluative feedback – Periodic

40 GTN Template: Sequence Name & Describe: – Sequence – Each unit – Each lesson plan Estimate the time needed for each unit and lesson plan Select primary Clarifying Objectives from the NCWLES for each Essential Standard in your Strand

41 TIPS Webinars archived – – access via main Open Class siteOpen Class site Use Lesson Plan template (on Arts Ed Open Class site) to develop plans and vet with PLCs prior to copying and pasting into SchoolNet Keep your own copy of ALL work (electronically) to ensure that work is not lost USE your content area PLCs as a resource for ensuring clarity and quality

42 GTN Template: Unit and Lesson Plan on Open Class

43 K-8 Standards Quick Reference Guides for the NC Standard Course of Study

44 Reflecting Time What questions do you have at this time?

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