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Acts presents a ministry ON FIRE! WELCOME! Luke-Acts Devotional Series ACTS CLASS #2 Pasig Region Metro Manila Christian Church.

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3 Acts presents a ministry ON FIRE!

4 WELCOME! Luke-Acts Devotional Series ACTS CLASS #2 Pasig Region Metro Manila Christian Church

5 THE BOOK OF ACTS (review) A ‘strong finish’ to the Bible story (Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut, Jos, Jud, Ru, 1-2 Sam, 1-2 Ki, Ezra, Neh, Lk, Acts) A ‘complete fulfillment’ of Old Testament scripture A ‘living proof’ or testimony of God’s faithfulness (Ac 1.1+)

6 TIMELINE OF LUKE-ACTS 350BC 63BC 6 AD 30AD 65AD Old Testament Gospels Acts Birth of Jesus Pentecost Crucifixion Birth of John the Baptist Paul’s death

7 Jesus’ ministry in Acts Post-Jesus ministry –A Spirit-led ministry –A Goal-oriented ministry –A Seeking & Saving ministry –An Open Arms ministry –A Joy-filled ministry –An ‘Anyone Can!’ ministry


9 The ‘natural’ outline Ac 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

10 Spread of the FIRE in Acts according to the ‘natural outline’ Jerusalem – Acts 1-7 Judea and Samaria – Acts 8-12 ‘Ends of the earth’ – Acts 13-28

11 How did the FIRE spread? Through 3 P’s that God allowed These three P’s are the things that God allowed (through his Holy Spirit) that made the natural outline happen –Pentecost – Acts 2 –Persecution – Acts 7 –Paul – Act 9

12 It’s interesting… The three P’s were in situations with problems besetting the church One of the twelve had died, some disciples doubted, and the disciples were immature and unexperienced  Pentecost The gospel was not preached outside Jerusalem; prejudice among Jews & Gentiles  Persecution One of the main persecutors was an influential Rabbi  Paul

13 Because of Pentecost… More workers More skills More nations

14 Because of Persecution… Reliance on God Sifted out false disciples Spread of the gospel


16 Because of Paul… Main example of a converted Jew New apostle to the Gentiles Writer of over 1/3 of the New Testament

17 The 3 P’s were part of God’s plan What are some of the P’s that God puts in your life? Do we see that God moves through trials? How do we respond, when the Holy Spirit’s Fire wants to move in our lives? Do we strive to surrender ourselves to God’s ‘natural outline’?

18 Conclusions In the Spirit-led ministry, God has a ‘divine outline’ that He reveals to his people. In the Spirit-led ministry, God chooses to use trials to strengthen the church. In the Spirit-led ministry, God uses problems to show his glory in the future.

19 Let’s glorify God, and keep the fire burning, by being (just like Acts) a Spirit-led ministry!

20 Discussion time Group yourselves into circles of 3-4 people. Pwedeng mixed men/women. Just like the Acts story has an ‘outline’ with positive ‘turning points,’ God allows our personal stories to have turning points. Share 2-3 of those (3-4 mins per person). Someone in the group prays, thanking God for the turning points in our lives.

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