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Aromatics Prominent (strong) features: C-H stretch

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Presentation on theme: "Aromatics Prominent (strong) features: C-H stretch"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aromatics Prominent (strong) features: C-H stretch 3100-3000
in-plane C-H bend out of plane C-H bend C=C ring stretches and out of plane C=C bend

2 combination bands

3 IR of Alcohols O-H bend overlaps C-H bend 1209 C-O stretch 1023
O-H H-bonded 3331

4 IR of Alcohols cyclohexylcarbinol O-H non-hydrogen bonded
or free OH (sharp bands in gas phase) Intermolecular H-Bonding in solution increase with concentration gives bands at (broader)

5 Ethers and Epoxides Ethers: C-O-C asymmetric stretch (strong) C-O-C symmetric stretch is usually weak at Epoxides: ring stretch near 1250 and

6 Carbonyl Groups Ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, carboxylic esters, lactones, acid halides, anhydrides, amides, lactams all show C=O stretch

7 IR of 2-Pentanone C-CO-C stretch 1171 C=O stretch 1717

8 Carbonyl Groups normal aliphatic ketones (acetone, cyclohexanone) 1715
replacement of alkyl group by heteroatom (G) shifts C=O stretch direction depends on inductive or resonance effect inductive: increases C=O freq. resonance: decreases

9 Effect of G G C=O Inductive Cl 1815-1785 F 1869 Br 1812
OH (monomer) 1760 OR NH SR Inductive Resonance

10 Aldehydes Aldehydes slightly higher freq. than methyl ketones C-H bend
760 C(O)-H stretch 2825, 2720 C=O stretch 1724

11 overtone band combination bands

12 Carboxylic Acids Broad OH absorption due to H-bonding 3300-2500
C=O stretch near 1760 ( aliphatic monomer) reduced to (aliphatic dimers) intramolecular H-bonding is usually stronger C=O stretch can be reduced to 1680

13 Acid Halide C-H stretch 3065 C=O stretch 1774 Fermi Resonance
overtone of 872

14 Esters C=O stretch 1765 O-C=C asymmetric stretch 1193 C-H stretches

15 Amines N-H Stretch (as) 3372, (ss) 3290 N-H wag 900-700 N-H Bend 1617
C-N stretch 1073 octylamine Aliphatic C-H bands

16 Nitriles CºN stretch 2226 Aromatic C-H bands

17 IR of Benzylthiol S-H Bend Aromatic overtones 2565 Aliphatic C-H bands
Aromatic C-H bands

18 IR of p-toluenesulfonate
S=O stretch 1355, 1177 S-C-O stretch

19 Sample 1a

20 Solution Band at 2200 suggests CºC bands at 3300 suggest H-CºC
bands around 3000 aliphatic C-H one possibility: C3H3Cl

21 Sample 1b

22 Solution High frequency bands suggest aromatic C-H and aliphatic C-H
bands around 1600 suggest substituted aromatic one possibility: C10H14

23 Sample 1c

24 Solution High frequency bands suggest N-H, aromatic C-H
and aliphatic C-H bands around 1600 suggest substituted aromatic one possibility: C7H9N

25 Sample 1d

26 Solution High frequency bands suggest O-H, aromatic C-H
and aliphatic C-H bands around 1600 suggest substituted aromatic one possibility: C7H8O

27 Sample 1e

28 Solution High frequency bands suggest N-H, aromatic C-H
and aliphatic C-H Note: N-H band is sharp… bands around 1600 suggest substituted aromatic one possibility: C8H11N

29 Sample 1f

30 Solution High frequency bands suggest aromatic C-H and aliphatic C-H
bands around 1600 suggest substituted aromatic one possibility: C7H7Cl

31 Sample 1g

32 Solution High frequency bands suggest H-bonding and O-H
and aliphatic C-H O2 suggest acid? But band at 1728 suggests strong C=O ….perhaps inductive effect of Cl one possibility: C3H5O2Cl

33 Sample 1h

34 Solution High frequency bands suggest H-bonding and O-H
and aliphatic C-H O suggest alcohol? Note: no unsaturation one possibility: C5H12O

35 Sample 1i

36 Solution High frequency bands suggest aliphatic C-H
band at 1718 suggests ketone band at 1650 suggest some unsaturation one possibility: C6H10O

37 Sample 1j

38 Solution High frequency bands suggest aromatic and aliphatic C-H
bands at suggest aromatic one possibility: C10H12

39 Sample 1k

40 Solution High frequency bands suggest aliphatic C-H
bands at 2300 suggest CN second N; note no evidence of N-H one possibility: C5H10N2

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