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西洋節慶 學英文. Purpose of Festival Teaching 1.To know the origins of festivals  2.To learn vocabulary about festivals.  3.To use the words they just learned.

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Presentation on theme: "西洋節慶 學英文. Purpose of Festival Teaching 1.To know the origins of festivals  2.To learn vocabulary about festivals.  3.To use the words they just learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 西洋節慶 學英文

2 Purpose of Festival Teaching 1.To know the origins of festivals  2.To learn vocabulary about festivals.  3.To use the words they just learned in sentence patterns.

3 Origins of Festivals

4 Box.1 Code-Switching ( 語言交 換 ) 1.The movement back and forth between two languages within the same sentence or discourse. 2. All data are mainly in Chinese. Only target vocabulary in English.

5 Box. 2 Picture Matching 1.To help students to visualize 2. To ask students to find pictures related to festivals

6 聖誕老公公的由來 最早的聖誕老人,是西元四世紀的一位天主教主教,名字叫做尼古 拉斯,他有一次幫助三姊妹的婚禮而從窗口丟了一袋金幣 到屋裡去,但這袋金幣竟然掉進掛在火爐邊烘乾的長襪子 裡面, 所以,以後聖誕夜,大家都要準備長襪子,等著收聖誕老人給的禮物!

7 Vocabulary about festivals

8 Box 3. Ransom Letter Letters ↓ Words ↓ Sentence Patterns

9 Box 4. Language Decoder ․ Using numbers / alphabets to help students spell the vocabulary they just learned.

10 Box 5. Bingo cardsonflowersnow angelstarcandywinter present treeChristma s love doctorhometow n wreathDecember

11 Wrap-up (sentence patterns)

12 Box 6. Flash Card What’s this/ that? It’s a. Is this a ? Yes, it is / No. it isn’t. Who is she / he? She is a. Is she a ? Yes, she is. / No she isn’t.

13 Where is ? It is (on/ under/ in/ behind/ near). Is there a (on/ under/ behind/ near) the desk ? Yes, there is / are. No, there isn’t / aren’t. There is/ are.

14 Box 7. Transformation Drill 依提示造出 : 肯定、否定、疑問、動詞單複數句型。 T: She wants a present. (doesn't) Ss: She doesn’t want a present. T: She can give you a card. (Can she…) Ss: Can she give you a card? T: They are celebrating. ( Mary) Ss: Mary is celebrating. T: She buys a Christmas tree. (want to) Ss: She wants to buy a Christmas tree.

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