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Empire of China. Zhou Dynasty (1027-256 BC) Mandate of Heaven : justifies royal authority and establishes dynastic cycles Nobles rule through feudalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Empire of China. Zhou Dynasty (1027-256 BC) Mandate of Heaven : justifies royal authority and establishes dynastic cycles Nobles rule through feudalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empire of China

2 Zhou Dynasty (1027-256 BC) Mandate of Heaven : justifies royal authority and establishes dynastic cycles Nobles rule through feudalism

3 Philosophies under Zhou Confucianism: Reform in society including social order of family and government Daoism: Philosophy established by Laozi that addresses order and harmony Legalism: stressed punishment over rewards

4 Confucius- Ideas to try and create order and peace

5 Confucianism

6 Beginnings Was started by China’s most influential Scholar = Confucius Believed that China should be organized into 5 basic relationships 1) Ruler and subject5)Friend and Friend 2) Father and son 3) Husband and wife 4) Older Brother and younger Brother

7 Cont. “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you” (Golden Rule) Education can bring any man to become a gentlemen. Wanted people to pass exams to work for the government (beauracracy)

8 Daoism It was a push to follow and understand nature If we were more like the rest of nature, society would work together in harmony

9 Legalism Believed in a efficient well working government Reward citizens that do as they are told and punish those who don’t Believed in controlling ideas They burned any document encouraging free thinking or questioned the government.

10 Ying Yang Showed the balance of life

11 Qin Dynasty (256-202 BC) A 13 yr old ruler took over after the Zhou dynasty fell After ruling for 20 yrs he earned the name Shi Huangdi “First emperor” Used legalism to unify China through Autocracy Autocracy= where the ruler has unlimited power

12 Cont. Centralized highway and irrigation networks Ordered mass murder of Confucianism scholars Built the Great Wall

13 The Great Wall (started in 221 BC) It is 1400 miles long Peasants were forced to work on it, if they didn’t they were killed


15 Han Dynasty (202 BC – 9 AD) Centralized Government Complex Bureaucracy Civil service jobs Invention of paper Promotion of Confusionism


17 Questions Who started Confucianism? What does the Yin-Yang mean? What is the largest religion in the world? 2 nd ? Why is it hard to properly count the # of followers of a religion in China?

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