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Barnette Elementary 2 nd grade identification process Welcome! Please sign in.

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1 Barnette Elementary 2 nd grade identification process Welcome! Please sign in.

2 Students whose T score on the GRS is 65 or above in at least 3 of 6 areas are entered into the portfolio process. or Students who scored a 92-95% on the CogAT Second grade Identification

3 What is the portfolio process? 1.CMS TD portfolios are defined as systematic collections of student work, compiled by both teachers and parents. 2. The TD portfolio reflects evidence of gifted behaviors, complexity of student work, and general intellectual giftedness for students who need additional assessment using multiple criteria.

4 What is the portfolio process? 3. The TD portfolio is a collaborative, nurturing process that encourages student ownership.

5 Portfolio Review Process Products that effectively advocate giftedness demonstrate depth, complexity, and the ability to process and reorganize information to produce a product unique for that age or grade level. Advanced Language Analytical Thinking Motivation/Perseverance/Leadership Perspective/Sensitivity/Humor Creativity/ Artistic Talent

6 Five work samples submitted must show evidence in advanced language and/or analytical thinking to continue the portfolio process. I will collect samples and submit in a letter-sized manila folder. One sample submitted by parents (optional) Samples must be two-dimensional (a photograph of a large three-dimensional product is acceptable) A video (DVD) or audio tape (secured in a ziploc bag attached to a manila folder is acceptable (3 minutes maximum) Portfolio Contents

7 Portfolio Categories Advanced Language - The student appropriately displays and advance vocabulary and an ability to use more complex language in a variety of situations. The student naturally uses advanced language and vocabulary to express insights. Analytical Thinking - The student demonstrates an ability to discern components of a whole, solves more difficult problems, and strives to determine more complex, abstract relationships and patterns in procedures, experiences, ideas, and/or objects. The student may enjoy reading and planning events and procedures in a thoughtful and logical way with attention to details.

8 Motivation/Perseverance/Leadership - The student exhibits an inner drive for thorough, independent understanding that results in the development of expertise in one or more areas. The student is philosophical, pursues issues atypical of agemates, demonstrates an extensive memory, and asks penetrating intellectual questions. The student sets high standards for self and others. Portfolio Categories

9 Perspective/Sensitivity/Humor - The student displays an ability to interpret and incorporate unexpected or unusual points of view as well as insightfully interpreting another’s point of view. The student is very concerned about human issues and is intensely sensitive to the needs and motivations of others. The student demonstrates an application of a finely developed sense of humor by understanding the humor of others or by producing original humorous effects.

10 Creativity/Artistic Talent – Creates many ideas Is flexible in their thinking creates original ideas adds many details to their work Portfolio Categories

11 Parent Entry An entry is 1 -3 pages (front and back count as two pages) The student must attach a written response. two-dimensional and no larger than 9 x 12 inches photographs acceptable for entries larger than 9 x 12 inches

12 Contact Information email: phone: 980.343.0372 website:

13 What questions do you have for me?

14 Thank you so much for coming!

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