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Project is done by Tletsery Amir The Passport of my language.

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Presentation on theme: "Project is done by Tletsery Amir The Passport of my language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project is done by Tletsery Amir The Passport of my language

2 The name of our language is Adygeiski. It is the second official language of Adygeya.

3 Over 117 489 people speak it as a first language.

4 People understand it in: Turkey, Syria, Jordan, the USA, Kosovo and in a lot of other countries such as Germany and Israel. About a lot of people speak it as a second language.

5 Since 1938, for writing on the Circassian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet. In the period between 1927 and 1938 in the Circassian language used the Latin alphabet, and until 1927 - the Arabic alphabet. At the heart of the literary Adyghe language - temirgoevsky dialect.

6 Languages that contributed to our language are Turkish, Germany, French, Dutch, Greek and English. Adygeiski language borrowed some Turkish words :аслъан, аляшэ, тынч, сагъындакъ, бракъ, хьамбар, къамыщ. Greek words in my language are аптек, папирос, фэнар. Adyg language borrowed some German words: they are: ермэлыкъ, китель,къэртоф, кухн, бинт, шляп. Percian words in my language are нэмаз, гунахь, шашыф, абас, пылы, нэшан. Adyg language borrowed some French words, they are комод, медаль, пальто, люстр, ансамбль.

7 English words in my language are трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд,вокзал, тренер.

8 Why should people learn Adygeiski ? When we asked russian students about our language they gave us some interesting answers. For example, russians tell us that Adyg is the most difficult language to study. It is difficult for them to understand our grammar and spell complex sounds. But the alphabet is based on kirilitsa and its easy to study reading and writing.

9 A lot of circassion people abroad study Adygeiski language to communicate with adyg people in Russia while visiting. Adygeiski language gives them a chance to meet new people, to understand adyg songs read adyg books by Adyg writers and poets such as Ishak Mashbash, Tembot Kerashev, Kuyok Nalbi, Teuchezh Tsug.

10 We agree that Adyg grammar is difficult. But if you want to know it you will learn Adyg language and you will be able to speak on our language. Welcome to Adygeya!

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