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Thursday Sept 8th Warm-up Why is it important to learn about plate boundary movement?

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday Sept 8th Warm-up Why is it important to learn about plate boundary movement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday Sept 8th Warm-up Why is it important to learn about plate boundary movement?

2 Divergent & Transform Boundaries Take out lab notebook Label Table of Contents:  Divergent Boundaries - 2 pages  Transform Boundaries - 2 pages Cut out and glue in white notes page  Divergent 1st – skip a page!  Transform 2 nd You have 3 minutes!!! READY, SET, GO!

3 Bees! Come up and grab:  White board  Marker  Paper towel to erase with Lets Review!

4 Divergent DEMO Draw table below on blank notebook page: What I saw… teacher use… …my teacher do… …happen…

5 Divergent Demo What is inside this candy bar? What does each ingredient in the candy bar represent?  Think about what moves in a boundary…  Chocolate = Earth’s Crust  Carmel = asthenosphere

6 Divergent Boundaries Think-pair-share-  What kind of movement occurs? In your own words: Discuss with a partner: What is a fault?  Break in the rock of the crust where rock surfaces slip past each other. What type of fault occurs?  Here are your choices: Normal Reverse Strike Slip

7 Faults Think back to yesterday….. If a reverse occurs at a Convergent, THINK-PAIR-SHARE: predict which occurs at a DIVERGENT? YESS!!! A normal Fault occurs! Lets check out some examples!

8 Normal Faults occur at Divergent Boundaries

9 Divergent Plate Combinations Turn to your neighbor and name the two types of plates.  Oceanic and continental What 2 plate combinations can you make using oceanic and continental?  O-O  C-C

10 Let’s start with O-O What landforms are created as a result of an oceanic-oceanic divergent boundary?


12 O-O A rift valley (new crust) Volcanic Mid ocean ridge. Real world examples:  The Mid-Atlantic Ridge  Krafla Volcano(in Iceland)

13 C-C Landforms created?

14 C-C Rift Valley (new crust) Volcano Real world example:  African Rift Valley

15 Friday September 9th Warm-up

16 Transform Boundaries

17 Transform Boundary DEMO Beetles:  Pick up your tables index cards & Purple directions 4 index card halves  2 card halves are cut straight  2 card halves are cut jagged Follow directions and answer questions in lab notebook.

18 Transform Boundaries Think-pair-share: What movement occurs at this boundary?

19 LET’S DANCE!! Doin’ the Boundary Bop! Find a partner! Listen as I call out a boundary!! When I say Convergent, how do you and your partner move? Divergent? Transform?

20 Transform Boundaries What fault occurs?  Not mine  Not yours Options:  Normal  Reverse  Strike Slip

21 Transform YES! Strike Slip Faults!

22 Where can this occur? Identify the three plate combinations!  O-O  C-C  O-C Put in box  ANY 2 PLATES!

23 What occurs at transform boundaries? EARTHQUAKES!!!! Real world example  San Andreas Fault

24 Reflection – Exit Ticket On the index card provided, reflect on the three types of boundaries you have learned about. Include:  How are they different?  How are they similar?  Combinations of plates (just oceanic, continental or both?)  Resulting landforms  Two new terms you learned  What surprised you?  Analyze the DEMO’s we did. Were they good or bad? Explain Why?

25 Homework! Boundary Song  Take a slip before you leave.  The rubric IS on my webpage under Homework and 1st Quarter Assignments.  Due Tomorrow!!

26 Looking Deeper in to Faults

27 Boundary Comparison


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