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Matters of life and death

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1 Matters of life and death
ISLAM and life after death 11 slides 2 Activities and loads of activities

2 Big Picture This is the second unit of your GCSE course. Matters of Life and Death focus on Christianity and one other religion. Last lesson we looked at Christianity and their view on life after death. Today we will focus on Islam A01 – Understand Islam’s view on life after death A02 – Explanation and Evaluation of Muslim responses and compare with Christianity Skills –self manager

3 Matters of life and death
All must know three reasons why Muslims believe in Life after death Most should discuss reasons for the Muslim belief in Life after Death Some could compare and contrast the belief of life after death with another religion

4 Matters of life and death
Within my heart the Truth of life shines white. The secret heights of God my soul now climbs; No dole, no sombre pang, no death in my sight. No mortal days and nights can shake my calm; A Light above sustains my secret soul. All doubts with grief are banished from my deeps, My eyes of light perceive my cherished Goal. Though in the world, I am above its woe; I dwell in an ocean of supreme release. My mind, a core of the One's unmeasured thoughts; The star vast welkin hugs my Spirit's peace. My eternal days are found in speeding time; I play upon His Flute of rhapsody. Impossible deeds no more impossible seem; In birth chains now shines Immortality. Sufi poet ( sufism is a mystical branch of Islam) For or against life after death? Why?

5 Matters of life and death
So….what are we going to learn? on Matters of life and death: After Christianity with immortality of the soul and Resurrection of the body we will talk about The last Day, resurrection, hell and paradise in Islam

6 Matters of life and death
Keywords: Hadith: Qu’ran Judgement Day

7 Hadith are the saying of the Prophet ( Some hadith are agreed upon and some hadith are just isolated) Akhira is judgement day in Islam and describe the last day on earth as well.

8 Matters of life and death
What do you think Muslim believe on matters of life and death? why

9 Matters of life and death
Do you remember the freaky words Resurrection: the belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised Immortality: the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body Paranormal: the study of unexplained things like ghosts and mediums who say they can contact the spirits of the dead

10 Homework First Find 5 reasons why some people do not believe in Life after death?

11 Matters of life and death
Facts: Muslims believe in life after death because it is taught in the Qu’ran and the Hadith of the prophet. They believe that the body stays in the grave until the Last Day when it will be raised, judged by God and sent either to paradise or Hell.

12 Matters of life and death
3 reasons why Muslims believe in life after death: It is what the Qur'an teaches and the Qur'an is the word of God They believe that life is a test from God which only makes sense if there is life after death Some Muslims believe in Life after death because of the evidence of the paranormal

13 Read carefully your own religious view and stick the paper in your book

14 Matters of life and death
resurrection is Judgement day is: Immortality of the soul is : Last day is:


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