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Ordering and Interpreting Laboratory Values
Resident Orientation
Outline Lab Structure Available Tests at NMH Ordering tests at NMH
Collection Ordering Results Cost Critical Values
Laboratory Structure Inpatient Hospital Lab Transfusion Services
Outpatient Poly Clinic Laboratory Blood Donor Center
Laboratory Hours Normal Working Hours Duty Hours
Saturday – Wednesday: 0800 – 1500 Thursday: 0800 – 1200 Duty Hours Saturday – Wednesday: 1500 – 0800 Thursday: 1200 – 0800 Friday 0800 – 0800
Laboratory Contact Information Inpatient Hospital Biochemistry Hematology Laboratory Chief Blood Bank Outpatient Poly Clinic Bacteriology Biochemistry Lab Director Blood Donor Center
Available Tests at NMH Chem 7 Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Urinalysis (UA) Cultures Blood Urine Wound
Available Tests at NMH Malaria Rapid TB Serology Rapid Test Smear
H. pylori Rheumatoid Factor Hepatitis B and C Syphilis Febrile Antigen
Available Tests at NMH iSTAT Cholesterol and Triglycerides Blood Bank
PT Troponin I Arterial Blood Gas Cholesterol and Triglycerides Blood Bank Whole Blood ABO testing Rh testing
Indications for Ordering a CBC
Concern for infection Concern for anemia Bleeding Platelets To investigate hematological cancer Leukemia
Indications for Ordering a Chemistry Panel
Evaluate Electrolytes Sodium Potassium Chloride Calcium Evaluate Renal Function BUN Creatinine Diagnosis of Diabetes Glucose
Indications for Ordering a Urinalysis
Concern for a Urinary Tract Infection White Blood Cells Concern for Diabetes Glucose Evaluation of Renal Function Albumin RBCs Evaluation of Stone Disease Crystals
Specimen Collection Procedure
Check patient’s identification Label specimen with patient’s name Transport specimen with order form Routine laboratory results are available daily after 1 pm
Collection Red Top Tube Blue Top Tube Lavender Top Tube Chem 7
Serology Cross-match Blue Top Tube Coagulation Studies Lavender Top Tube CBC
Specimen Rejection Mismatched specimen requisition
Improperly collected specimen Unlabeled specimen Specimens without requisitions Contaminated specimen or requisition
Test Priorities Tests will be run based on priority.
Must specify priority when ordering test Routine: 24 hours ASAP: 4 hours STAT: 1 hour Priorityحق اولیت Expected TAT زمان توقوع شده ROUTINEروتین 24 hours 24 ساعت ASAP هرچه زودتر ممکن باشد 4 hours4 ساعت STATعاجل 1 hour یک ساعت
Laboratory Costs Chemistry Complete Blood Count Culture
1000 Afghani Complete Blood Count 120 Afghani Culture 320 Afghani Cholesterol Panel 550 Afghani Urinalysis 6 Afghani Order only what you need, DO NOT WASTE MONEY
Results: Chemistry Chemistry Results will be prepared on a lab result paper and delivered to the ordering doctor
Results: CBC CBC results will be reported on this laboratory document and given to the physician
Results: Bacterial Sensitivities
After an organism grows in a culture, the laboratory will automatically check the effectiveness of antibiotics on the bacteria
Results: Serology Serologic Tests will be reported on this laboratory sheet and given to the ordering doctor
Interpreting a Chemistry Panel
Sodium Normal: mmol/l Hypernatremia (> 145) Dehydration Hyponatremia (<136) SIADH Heart Failure Medications Potassium Normal: mmol/l Hyperkalemia (> 5.2) Renal Failure Hyperaldosteronism Hypokalemia (< 3.5) Vomiting / Diarrhea The list of causes is by no means complete
Interpreting a Chemistry Panel
BUN Normal mg/dl > 50 Renal Failure Dehydration < 15 Malnutrition Chronic Inflammation Syndromes Creatinine Normal: mg/dl > 1.0 < 0.5 Decreased muscle mass The list of causes is by no means complete
Interpreting a CBC White Blood Cell Hemoglobin
Normal: 4000 – 10,000 cmm < 4000 Medications Hematological Cancer > 10,000 Infection Hematological cancer Hemoglobin Normal g/dl > 18.0 Hemochromatosis Polycythemia Vera < 11.5 Anemia: disorder in production, increased destruction, or bleeding The list of causes is by no means complete
Interpreting a CBC Hematocrit (HCT) Platelets Normal: 39-49% > 49%
< 39% Platelets Normal: 150, ,000 cmm > 400,000 Normal response to illness or inflammation < 150,000 Burns Bone Marrow Disorders The list of causes is by no means complete
Critical Values Lab results that are life threatening
The laboratory Department Head will be notified Ordering physician will be notified As a resident, you should notify your instructor or staff physician
Critical Values: Hematology
همتالوژی TEST آزمايش VALUE LESS THAN مقدار كمتر از VALUE MORE THAN مقدار بیشتر از Prothrombin Time پروترومبیت تایم ( زمان علقه خون ) N/Aقابل دریافت نیست 30 seconds WBC Count تعداد حجرات سفيد خون 2,000/cumm 25,000/cumm Hemoglobin هیموگلوبين 7.0 g/dl 20.0 g/dl Hematocrit هماتوكريت 21.0% 50.0% Platelet Count تعداد صفحیات دمویه 50,000/cumm 1,000,000/cumm Blood smear سمير خون Presence of immature WBC’s, immature RBC’s or malaria parasites. موجوديت WBC’s نارس، RBC’s نارس ویا پرازيت های ملاريا
Critical Values: Chemistry
بیوشیمی TEST ازمايش VALUE LESS THAN مقدار كمتر از VALUE MORE THAN مقدار بیشتر از Chloride, serum or plasma كلورايد،سيروم یا پلازما 80 mmol/l 110 mmol/l Creatinine, serum or plasma كرياتينين، سيروم یا پلازما N/A 5.0 mg/dl Sodium, serum or plasma سوديم ، سيروم یا پلازما 125 mmol/l 150 mmol/l
Critical Values: Chemistry Continued
بیوشیمی TEST ازمايش VALUE LESS THAN مقدار كمتر از VALUE MORE THAN مقدار بیشتر از Potassium, serum or plasma پوتاشيم،سيروم یاپلازما 2.8 mmol/l 6.0 mmol/l Glucose, serum or plasma گلوكوز،سيروم یا پلازما 50 mg/dl 350 mg/dl Ionized calcium, plasma كلسيم ايونايز شده، پلازما 3.0 mg/dl 6.4 mg/dl Urea nitrogen, serum or plasma يوريانايتروجن،سيروم یاپلازما N/A 80 mg/dl
Critical Values: Urinalysis
معاينات ادرار TEST ازمايش VALUE LESS THAN مقدار كمتر از VALUE MORE THAN مقدار بیشتر از Glucose گلوكوز N/A >1000 mg/dl Microscopic مايكروسكوپيك Presence of pathological crystals (urate, cysteine, leucine, or tyrosine) موجوديت كريستال هاي پتالوژيك(يورات،سيستين، ليوسين و تايروسين) Ketones, urine/serum كيتون ها ،ادرار/سیروم N/Aقابل دریافت نیست >80 mg/dl (Large)زیاد
Critical Values: Arterial Blood Gas
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES گازهاي خون شيرياني TEST آزمايش VALUE LESS THAN مقدار كمتر از VALUE MORE THAN مقداربیشتر از pH, arterial, capillary ،شيرياني ، عروق شعریه pH 7.20 7.60 pCO2, arterial, capillary فشارکاربن دای اکساید،شریانی ، شعریه وی 20 mm/Hg 70 mm/Hg pO2, arterial شيرياني فشار اکسیجن 40 mm/Hg N/Aقابل دریافت نیست
Critical Values: Microbiology
مايكروبيولوژي TEST آزمايش VALUE LESS THAN مقدار كمتر از VALUE MORE THAN مقدار بیشتر از Blood Cultures كلچرهای خون N/Aقابل دریافت نیست Positive مثبت
Point of Care Testing Diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care Available in ICU Internal medicine Available tests Chemistry 8 Arterial Blood Gas PT/INR
Conclusions The laboratory can provide valuable information to help diagnose and treat patients. Always take cost into consideration when ordering a test Learning to properly interpret lab results is essential for residents
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