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PROTISTS They’re not plants or animals! KINGDOM PROTISTA.

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2 PROTISTS They’re not plants or animals!


4 # of CELLS MOST ARE UNICELLULAR = ONE CELL But some are multicellular! Let’s see. You’re young, outgoing, single celled…

5 TYPE of CELLS EUKARYOTIC Their cells have a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.

6 GENETIC MATERIAL They have DNA found inside the nucleus.

7 STRUCTURE The protists are a very different group! There are very few common structures!

8 NOURISHMENT Not all protists are alike! Some are ANIMAL-LIKE PROTISTS. Heterotrophs that have to EAT food. Some are PLANT-LIKE PROTISTS: Autotrophs that can MAKE THEIR OWN FOOD. Some are FUNGUS-LIKE PROTISTS: Heterotrophs that DECOMPOSE MATERIALS.

9 Animal-like Protists Amoeba Paramecium Giardia Plasmodium (malaria) Trichonympha

10 Plant-like Protists Euglena Phytoplankton Diatoms Algae

11 Fungus-like Protists Water Mold Slime Mold


13 LOCOMOTION Most CAN move! They all have a different way… EXAMPLES: Paramecium: use cilia Made of microtubules Move by wave-motion Amoeba use pseudopods Move by extending Euglena use flagella Made of microtubules Move by wave motion Passive Transport: Use spores Move by wind

14 HELPFUL Ex. Digest cellulose in termite guts Algae & Phytoplankton are a huge part of aquatic ecosystems! Algae is used in nori, ice cream, salad dressing, pudding, candy bars, pancake syrups, eggnog, plastics, waxes, transistors, deodorants, paints, lubricants, and artificial wood. Fungus-like protists play huge roles as decomposers in our ecosystem.

15 HARMFUL Ex. –Plasmodium = Malaria –Trypanosoma = African Sleeping Sickness –Entamoeba = Dysentery -Giardia –Water Mold = Potato Blight Potato Blight Trypanosoma

16 “Now I see you for who you really are, Eddie. Nothing but pond scum.” “Amoebraham Lincoln”

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