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Evolution of Eukaryotic Diversity Kingdom Protista

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1 Evolution of Eukaryotic Diversity Kingdom Protista
Chapter 28 Evolution of Eukaryotic Diversity Kingdom Protista

2 History of Classification

3 I. Endosymbiotic Theory

4 II. Kingdom Protista Most diverse of all kingdoms
Classification difficult; created more for convenience

5 A. General Characteristics
Eukaryotic Most single-celled, some colonial, some multicellular Neither animals, plants or fungi Auto or heterotrophs; some mixotrophs Many have either cilia or flagella with 9+2 microtubule arrangement at some point in life cycle Varied life cycle: alternation of generation, to predominant multicellular diploid life, or predominant multicellular haploid life

6 B. 3 Major Categories Animal-like (protozoa)
Algae or plant-like (photosynthetic) Fungal-like

7 III. Animal-Like Protists
Called Protozoa May have given rise to animals Asexual or sexual reproduction Many form cysts (resistant bodies) and wait out stressful conditions Usually non-photosynthetic heterotrophs

8 Rhizopoda (Amoeba) amoeba video

9 Actinopoda (Actinopods, Foraminiferans)
Radiolarian Foraminifean

10 Zoomastigina (zooflagellates)
Giardia lamblia Trypansoma Trichomonas vaginalis

11 Ciliophora (Ciliates) Stentor Video


13 Apicomplexa (Sporozoa)

14 IV. Algae and Plant-like Protists
Photosynthetic!! Many have flagella and are often mistaken to be animal-like protists All have chll a, carotenoids, other forms of chll, and other accessory pigments Not considered true plants due to lack of plant structures such as a waxy cuticle

15 Euglenophyta (Euglenoids) videos

16 Dinoflagellata (Dinoflagellates) video

17 Bacillariophyta (Diatoms) video

18 Chrysophyta (Golden Algae)

19 Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
Volvox Video

20 Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)

21 Rhodophyta (Red Algae)

22 Fungal-like Protists Form filaments (spore-bearing bodies) similar to fungus

23 Acrasiomycota (cellular slime molds)

24 Myxomycota (Plasmodial Slime Molds) video

25 Oomycota (Water molds, downey mildews, white rust)

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