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_ear bear _ _ _ cat _ _ _ dog _l_phant elephant.

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Presentation on theme: "_ear bear _ _ _ cat _ _ _ dog _l_phant elephant."— Presentation transcript:


2 _ear

3 bear

4 _ _ _

5 cat

6 _ _ _

7 dog

8 _l_phant

9 elephant

10 g_r_ffe

11 giraffe

12 g_r_ll_

13 gorilla

14 m_nkey

15 monkey

16 _ _nd_

17 panda

18 k_ng_roo

19 kangaroo

20 k_ala

21 koala

22 r_bb_t

23 rabbit

24 _i_er

25 t tiger

26 _ebr_

27 zebra

28 _orse

29 horse

30 _io_

31 lion

32 Q u iz

33 pandas Where do they live?

34 China panda

35 Where do they live? koalas kangaroos

36 A u stralia koalas kangaroos

37 Where do they live? orang u tans

38 I ndonesia orang u tans


40 Where do they live? live in China. A u stralia. I ndonesia.

41 What animal is this? タンチョウヅル

42 A r ed-crowned crane They live in China, Korea and Hokkaido.

43 A r ed-crowned crane They live in China, Korea and Hokkaido. They stay in wetlands タンチョウヅル 沼地にいるタ ンチョウヅル

44 Quiz 1 How many red-crowned crane s are there in Japan now? 1. 100 2. 500 3. 1000

45 Quiz 1 How many red-crowned crane s are there in Japan now? 1. 100 2. 500 3. 1000

46 Quiz 2 How tall is it?

47 It is about 150cm tall. * How tall are you? 135 cm

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