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By Stacey Smith and Shazara Mulchan Physical Descriptions Physical Descriptions §Coral communities are made of several thousand organisms living together.

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2 By Stacey Smith and Shazara Mulchan


4 Physical Descriptions Physical Descriptions §Coral communities are made of several thousand organisms living together. §The hardness of the coral reefs comes from dead coral which leaves its skeleton of calcium carbonate. (Coral reefs are made of calcium carbonate). §An inch of coral reef takes approximately 100 hundred years to grow.

5 Physical Descriptions Physical Descriptions §Coral reefs are found only in warm water. §Because of the warm water and abundant food supply, coral reefs are bustling with life. §The reefs offer many nooks and crannies for fish to find protection in.

6 Examples of Coral Reefs

7 Location §Coral reefs are found in tropical oceans near the equator. §The largest coral reef is located in the Great Barrier Reefs of Australia.  The second largest reef is found off the coast of Belize, in Central America.

8 Inhabitants §The actual animal that makes up physical coral is a polyp. §Thousands of polyps form a colony which, in turn, forms a reef. Some animals found in the coral reefs include hogfish, batfish, lionfish, stone fish, coney, butterflyfish, blue tang, and clown triggerfish.

9 Examples of Inhabitants Clown TriggerfishLionfish

10 More examples of Inhabitants StonefishButterflyfish

11 Bibliography  Http:// ral/where.htm 

12 Quiz on Coral Reefs 1. Coral reefs take approximately _____ to grow an inch. §A. 10 days §B. 1 year §C. 10 years §D. 100 years 2. Coral reefs are found only in ______. §A. Arctic Oceans §B. The Sahara Desert §C. Warm, tropical waters. §D. All the above

13 Quiz on Coral Reefs §3. The Great Barrier Reefs are located where? §A. China §B. Australia §C. Kansas §D. Ua Pu Island §4. The second largest coral reef is found off the coast of ______, in Central America. §A. Chile §B. Honduras §C. Mexico §D. Belize

14 Quiz on Coral Reefs 5. Thousands of _____ form a colony, which, in turn, forms a _____. §A. Polyps, Reef §B. Reefs, Polyps §C. Fish, pod §D. Dandelions, weed patch 6. Who were the creators of this wonderful Power Point presentation? §A. Misty and Chris §B. Mrs. Chapman §C. Heath and KD §D. Stacey and Shazara.

15 Quiz on Coral Reefs 7. All of the following live in the coral reefs except. §A. Hogfish §B. Butterfly fish §C. Beluga whale §D. Blue tang 8. Coral reefs are made of calcium _____. §A. Sorbate §B. Carbonate §C. Sulfate §D. Nitrate

16 Quiz on Coral Reefs 9. Because of the warm water and abundant food supply, coral reefs are _____ with life. §A. Bustling §B. Suffering §C. Disintegrating §D. Raging 10. The reefs offer many nooks and crannies for _____ to hide in for protection. §A. Ants §B. Bats §C. Cats §D. Fish

17 Answer Key §1. D §2. C §3. B §4. D §5. A §6. D §7. C §8. B §9. A §10. D

18 for viewing our slide show. We appreciate you taking your time to read this. Live long and prosper. :-) Thank You... Stacey and Shazara

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