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Verbal Symbols WORDS! Nonverbal Symbols Gestures, Facial Expressions, Body Motions, Tone of Voice Intentional or not, words, action, and dress communicate.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbal Symbols WORDS! Nonverbal Symbols Gestures, Facial Expressions, Body Motions, Tone of Voice Intentional or not, words, action, and dress communicate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Verbal Symbols WORDS! Nonverbal Symbols Gestures, Facial Expressions, Body Motions, Tone of Voice Intentional or not, words, action, and dress communicate who we are and what we think.



5 Messages are sent and received… Meanings are in message users (people), not messages (words). Meaning exists in your HEAD! You speak, he speaks. He speaks, you nod. He imagines a day at the beach. He talks about it. YOU imagine swimming.

6 With experience, meaning changes. Shared meanings are never exactly the same! Misunderstandings can’t be avoided, but could be anticipated. When you were small, the beach was huge. As an adult, it seems smaller somehow. The perfect beach day is different for everyone! Ask “What do you mean by ‘a perfect beach day’?”

7 Convey Emotional Meaning BUT… One must be careful NOT to give confusing nonverbal messages. …Can be easily misinterpreted. For example, avoid making a face that may be seen as angry, when all you are doing is squinting!

8 Establish a Relationship! Consider to whom you are talking. Interpersonal? Group? Public or Private? Mass Communication?

9 Who is Dominant? Higher Status? Deserves Recognition? Authority?

10 Current Emotional State! Education! Culture! Beliefs!

11 …when to hold your tongue! …when to share and when not to share! Be aware of your audience!

12 SPEAKER’S ROLE Know the Listener. Direct information TO the listener. Be sincere and respectful to the listener. Know the speaker. Focus attention on the speaker. Treat speaker with respect. LISTENER’S ROLES

13 SPEAKER’S ROLE Present information clearly. Get Feedback, both verbal and nonverbal. Keep an open mind. Ask for clarification, if needed. LISTENER’S ROLES

14 Communication involves context! Meaning depends on the situation and the behaviour that accompanies it. For example, the phrase “YOU NEED HELP” can have a different meaning depending on the CONTEXT! Difficulty versus injury versus strange behaviour!

15 Physical Social-psychological Relationship Location, physical presence, attractiveness of participants. Status, values, moods, perceptions, roles, rules, norms. Friends, family, coworkers.

16 Cultural Temporal Collection of beliefs, values, attitudes, traditions, taboos, customs, and behaviours Time of day, week, season, history, position of the communication in a series

17 First place one learns to communicate. Influenced by culture, roles, and emotional connections. Strict and formal versus free-speaking and informal Different roles = different communication. Sometimes hard to break your role! Complicated relationships To help communication—identify issues, propose improvements, understand other perspectives, share your thoughts and feelings. MAINTAIN RESPECT!

18 Usually based on shared elements like personality, interests, backgrounds, family, etc. Some basic needs—enjoyment, affection, security, and self-esteem—are fulfilled here. Often more comfortable than family relationships. Often make honesty difficult, espcially when things go wrong. Easy to disrespect. IMPORTANT TO MAINTAIN RESPECT!

19 AT SCHOOL… Those with authority influence your position. Your role is to come prepared and help ensure your learning. AT WORK… Boss has authority, thus influencing you severely. Affects the amount of info you are willing to share. Bosses maintain distance to stay authoritative. Like it or not, you are in a submissive position and must, again, maintain respect to preserve communication.

20 Communities=networks of people living near each other and interacting Important to know NAMES! Communicate consistently and in a friendly way

21 People born within a 25 year time span =GENERATION Events in those lives are not forgotten! Important to consider GENERATION when communicating as the experiences of one are not the same as another. For example, WWII Vests would see today’s wars with different eyes, despite the war relationship.

22 Communication expresses IDENTITY! Different ethnicities and religions approach things their own ways, which may not be YOUR way. Be patient with others and be sensitive to the differences.


24 INTRAPERSONAL—self talk; internal dialogue YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! INTERPERSONAL—one-to-one; “between people”; frequent role changes from speaker to listener and back

25 GROUP—3+ people; focus on decision making PUBLIC—to an audience to spread info/ideas (teacher!) MASS—one person/group communicates through mass medium (tv, radio, internet, etc); wide dispersal of information, but impersonal to varying degrees

26 MOST IMPORTANT TO GET JOBS! Oral Communication Listening Ability Enthusiasm Interpersonal relationships are KEY! Verbal and Non-Verbal! KNOW YOUR CONTEXT! KNOW YOUR STUFF!

27 CENTRAL TO MANY CAREERS! ALL professionals require good verbal communication ALL professions require good listening skills In ALL careers, in ALL fields, and in EVERY way, communication is a NECESSITY!

28 Realize that meanings shift! Know thy audience! Assess the speaker! Understand the context! Anticipate misunderstandings!

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