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P enguins Different species of Penguins and their habitats.

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Presentation on theme: "P enguins Different species of Penguins and their habitats."— Presentation transcript:

1 P enguins Different species of Penguins and their habitats.

2 Adelie Penguins Adelie penguins are the smallest of the penguins living on the Antarctica continent. There are over 2.5 million breeding pairs living in the Antarctica region.

3 King Penguins The King penguin is the second largest penguin. They are found on many sub- Antarctic islands including Crozet, Prince Edward, Kerguelen, South Georgia and Mazquarie Islands. Total population is estimated to be 1 million breeding pairs.

4 Emperor Penguins Emperor penguins are the largest of all the penguins. They live and breed at the beginning of winter, on the fast ice all around the Antarctic continent. The total population is estimated to be about 200,000 breeding pairs.

5 Little Blue Penguins The White-flippered penguins have a white stripe around the edges of the flippers and are located in New Zealand. Little penguins breed and live on the coast of Southern Australia, Tasmania, and several sub-Antarctic Islands south of New Zealand.. The total population is estimated to be about 500,000 breeding pairs.

6 Chinstrap Penguins The Chinstrap Penguins are the most numerous penguins in the world. It is estimated there are 12 to 13 million located on the barren islands of the sub-Antarctic Region and the Antarctic Peninsula.

7 Rockhoppers Rockhoppers live on most of the islands in the Antarctic region. There are major colonies on the Falkland Islands. It is estimated that there are over 3 million breeding pairs.

8 Habitat Search Go to the web site below: Scroll down to Habitats and double click on habitats of penguins. Follow directions and read more information about the penguins from the screens above. Make sure you know how much they can weigh and how tall they can become Minimize this link when finished and go back to the power point.

9 What are you going to do with your knowledge? ns/main.html Scroll down to Activities Double click on learning activities print them out and do number one and two writing out your findings. Bring both the activity sheet and your findings to class tomorrow. They are your admission slips.

10 Quiz Time At the following link: enguins/main.htmal enguins/main.htmal Scroll down to Quiz Double click on Test Yourself Click on quiz 1 complete and print out Hand in it will be your exit slip from class.

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