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Created By: Sarah Beeler June 2010

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1 Created By: Sarah Beeler June 2010
Kangaroo Created By: Sarah Beeler June 2010

2 Amazing Kangaroos I am jumping through the dry deserts of Australia. I have a small pocket in the middle of my stomach. I eat grass and other plants. I can hurt you with one big kick.

3 Awesome Australia Joeys live in a kangaroo’s pocket until it grows up.
Kangaroos live in Australia and New Guinea’s nearby islands and deserts.

4 Delicious Foods Kangaroos eat mostly grass and other plants.
Kangaroo’s teeth are like scissors to snip plants. Most kangaroos need to drink water from streams or water holes.

5 Fun Facts Kangaroos can travel up to about 12 miles an hour.
Kangaroos can bounce on their back legs up to 25 feet! When a kangaroo is in a disagreement the only way to settle it is a boxing match.

6 Lovely Looks Kangaroos can be different shapes ,sizes ,types, and colors. A kangaroo’s foot can be up to 18 inches long. Male joeys are about the same size as female joeys. When a baby joey is just born their body parts are about the size of a jellybean.

7 Quick Question Quiz What is a kangaroo’s favorite food?
Where can you find a kangaroo? What is a baby kangaroo called? What do kangaroos do when their mad at each other?

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