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Assessing the public health challenge posed by Hepatitis B and C in the EU European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Information for members of.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing the public health challenge posed by Hepatitis B and C in the EU European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Information for members of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing the public health challenge posed by Hepatitis B and C in the EU European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Information for members of the ENVI Committee 24 May 2011

2 Epidemiology of hepatitis B Decreasing trend of hepatitis B in EU/EEA countries Interpretation is hampered: 1.Incomplete reporting 2.Large heterogeneity in reporting systems geographical coverage mix of acute and chronic cases use of different case definitions Source: Annual Epidemiological Reports 2007-2010, ECDC, Stockholm

3 Hepatitis B prevalence in the general population

4 Epidemiology of hepatitis C Increasing trend of hepatitis C in EU/EEA countries Interpretation is hampered: 1.Reflects testing and screening practices 2.Large heterogeneity in reporting systems geographical coverage mix of acute and chronic cases use of different case definitions Source: Annual Epidemiological Reports 2007-2010, ECDC, Stockholm

5 Hepatitis C prevalence in the general population

6 Mortality related to HBV and HCV Hepatocellular mortality ranges from; 0.68 per 100,000 men in Sweden and 8.03 in Bulgaria Note: Data for Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Switzerland did not distinguish between HCC and other liver cancers Source: Boseti, 2008; La Vecchia, 2000

7 Acute hepatitis B notification rates per 100 000 population, 1995–2004 in selected EU countries Source: Annual Epidemiological Report on Communicable Diseases in Europe, ECDC, Stockholm 2009

8 Thank you!

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