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Ocean Currents and Climate Bell Ringer: Let’s Review! 1) Please take a copy of the currents flowchart and paste it into your IAN. 2) Use your brain, the.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Currents and Climate Bell Ringer: Let’s Review! 1) Please take a copy of the currents flowchart and paste it into your IAN. 2) Use your brain, the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Currents and Climate Bell Ringer: Let’s Review! 1) Please take a copy of the currents flowchart and paste it into your IAN. 2) Use your brain, the word bank, & your notes to help you complete this task. Ocean Currents and Climate Bell Ringer: Let’s Review! 1) Please take a copy of the currents flowchart and paste it into your IAN. 2) Use your brain, the word bank, & your notes to help you complete this task.

2 Ch.14.2 Standards Explain how currents affect climate. Explain how currents affect climate. Illustrate an upwelling and when it happens. Illustrate an upwelling and when it happens. Describe the Effects of El Nino and La Nina. Describe the Effects of El Nino and La Nina.

3 Surface Currents and Climate Surface Currents: affects the climate in many parts of the world. affects the climate in many parts of the world. warms or cools coastal areas year- round. warms or cools coastal areas year- round..Examples?

4 Warm Water Surface Currents create warmer climates in coastal areas that would otherwise be much cooler. create warmer climates in coastal areas that would otherwise be much cooler.

5 Cold Water Currents Cool land near coastal areas that would otherwise be warmer Cool land near coastal areas that would otherwise be warmer

6 What if 2 different currents collide? Do this experiment to see what will happen when 2 currents moving in opposite directions collide. We know the Peru current travels counterclockwise because ____________. It also brings cold water to the equator because ___________. What happens when the clockwise current of California/meets up with it at the equator if they are flowing opposite directions?

7 Currents and Temperature

8 Procedure: Add 10 drops of red food coloring to one end of the tub. Add 10 drops of red food coloring to one end of the tub. Add 10 drops of blue or green to the other end of the tub. Using a stick, have 2 other group members stir the water in opposite directions to create currents. This lasts for 5 seconds! Watch closely and quickly! Add 10 drops of blue or green to the other end of the tub. Using a stick, have 2 other group members stir the water in opposite directions to create currents. This lasts for 5 seconds! Watch closely and quickly! Draw what you see happening in your IAN. Draw what you see happening in your IAN.

9 Now Discuss and write your thoughts down: 1) How did the blue water and the red water interact? 1) How did the blue water and the red water interact? 2) How does this activity relate to how ocean currents interact? 2) How does this activity relate to how ocean currents interact? Currents circulate in the N and S hemispheres. When they cross at the equator, they join the other current and eventually circulate in the new direction. Currents circulate in the N and S hemispheres. When they cross at the equator, they join the other current and eventually circulate in the new direction.

10 Upwelling Cold, nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean rises to the surface, replacing warm surface water. Cold, nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean rises to the surface, replacing warm surface water. Caused by wind Caused by wind blowing along the shoreline. Happens along the NW Happens along the NW coast of S.A. Extremely important Extremely important for organisms for organisms

11 What if Upwelling does not Occur? El Niño Every 2-12 years. Every 2-12 years. Winds blow Less warm water to Western Pacific Ocean Winds blow Less warm water to Western Pacific Ocean Surface Water temps rise along South America Surface Water temps rise along South America Lasts a year or longer Lasts a year or longer Results: flooding rains in the southern US & Peru, droughts in Indonesia & Australia, Increase surface temps of coral reefs Results: flooding rains in the southern US & Peru, droughts in Indonesia & Australia, Increase surface temps of coral reefs

12 La Niña Cold water event in Eastern Pacific Cold water event in Eastern Pacific affects weather patterns. affects weather patterns. United Streaming clip (2min) United Streaming clip (2min) Math Analysis: Math Analysis: A fisherman typically catches 540 kg of anchovies off of Peru coast. During El Nino, he caught 85% less fish. How many kg did he catch? A fisherman typically catches 540 kg of anchovies off of Peru coast. During El Nino, he caught 85% less fish. How many kg did he catch?

13 Let’s check HW and review for our Ch.13 Sect1,2,5 and 14.1 quiz! Pick a partner and test your knowledge…

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