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Big Ideas in AP Biology. Big Idea I. Evolution Evolution is the core theme in biology Descent from a common ancestor with modification Natural Selection.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Ideas in AP Biology. Big Idea I. Evolution Evolution is the core theme in biology Descent from a common ancestor with modification Natural Selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Ideas in AP Biology

2 Big Idea I. Evolution Evolution is the core theme in biology Descent from a common ancestor with modification Natural Selection as the main mechanism that drives the evolution of adaptive evolutionary novelties


4 Big Idea II. Energy Transfer Life does not occur without energy exchanges For example: Photosynthesis and respiration

5 Big Idea III. Continuity and Change All species tend to maintain themselves from generation to generation using the same genetic code. However, there are genetic mechanisms in place that can lead to change over time, or evolution.

6 Watson and Crick’s discovery of DNA structure led to technological breakthroughs.

7 Hierarchy of Organization:

8 Big Idea IV. Interactions Molecular interactions Cellular interactions Organismal interactions Community interactions

9 Feedback Feedback mechanisms regulate life processes.

10 Relationship of Structure to Function The way that anything works is correlated to its structure. Mitochondrial Cristae (folds)

11 The microscope led to an understanding of the cellular basis of life

12 Interdependence in Nature Includes both biotic and abiotic factors

13 VIII. Science as a Process Scientific Method Hypothesis characteristics: educated guess based on background information testable Controlled experiment characteristics: control group and constants experimental group(s) independent and dependent variables

14 The Hypothesis:

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