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/s/ /z/ /iz/ makes laughs loves says babies hopes dance gets us finds jobs goes buys is runs teaches oranges classes dresses offices boxes Listen and.

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Presentation on theme: "/s/ /z/ /iz/ makes laughs loves says babies hopes dance gets us finds jobs goes buys is runs teaches oranges classes dresses offices boxes Listen and."— Presentation transcript:


2 /s/ /z/ /iz/ makes laughs loves says babies hopes dance gets us finds jobs goes buys is runs teaches oranges classes dresses offices boxes Listen and say the following words aloud.

3 s /s/ /z/ es/iz/ makes, laughs loves, finds stays, says /k//f/ /v//d/ /ei//e/ teaches, washes classes, boxes, changes /t∫//∫//∫/ /s//ks/ /d3/ 清后发清 浊后发浊 遇到元音也发浊

4 /s/ /z/ /iz/ elephants works giraffes helps ships maths lions studies pandas balls bears gives places washes changes Now listen and say these words. Add them to the boxes above.

5 How often in a week do you: get up in the morning feeling happy?___ enjoy school? ______ daydream? ________ help other people? _________ do exercise or sports? ______ get very angry?_______ watch TV? _______ wish to become a famous person? _____ tell the truth? ______ go to bed at night feeling happy? _____

6 Pair Work Work in pairs and make a questionnaire with your partner Then act it out.


8 A day in the life of Fang Fang She plays basketball with her friends from 4:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon at school once a week.

9 She lives nearby and always walks to school She goes to school at 7:30 a.m. and usually arrives at 8 a.m.

10 She gets up at 6:00 a.m. every day. Then she washes her face and brushes her teeth.

11 She has breakfast at 7:10 a.m. She always eats two pieces of bread, an apple, and drinks a glass of milk.

12 She often goes jogging from 6:30 to 7:00 in the morning.

13 She often leaves school at 4:45 p.m.

14 She usually finishes her homework before dinner and sometimes watches TV. She goes to bed at 9 p.m.

15 She does some exercise on her balcony from 6:15 a.m. every morning.


17 Please write a short article about Fang Fang for the International Children’s Newspaper according to the pictures. Fang Fang is my best friend. She lives a healthy life. She gets up at six o’clock every morning._____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

18 要点 ( 6 分, 少一点扣 1 分, 扣完为止) 1 ) Get up; 2 ) do some exercise; 3 ) go jogging; 4 ) have breakfast;5 ) walk to school; 6 ) play basketball; 7 ) go back home; 8 ) go to bed 语言准确 性( 6 分) 语法错误(名词单复数,动词单三型,短语 搭配) 文章流畅 性( 3 分) 1 )要点的顺序安排是否符合逻辑 是否有时 间状语( 1 分) 2 )连接词( 2 分)( 0 个连接词 0 分, 1 个 0.5 分, 2 个连接词 1 人, 3 个以上 2 分) After…,And then, before…,and, but, 作文评分标准

19 You are a reporter. You try to get some information of your good friend’s or your partner’s daily life. You can ask like these : 1. When do you get up ? 2. What do you usually do before breakfast in the morning? 3. What do you usually eat for breakfast? 4. How do you go to school? 5. What is your favorite subject? 6. How often do you do sports?

20 Writ a short article about your friend or your partner: xxx is my friend ( deskmate ). ……

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